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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. A grid like that for TuniTreeGrid and TUniDBTreeGrid http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/tree/treegrid.html TUniDBTreeview and TUniDBTreeGrid with a property ID and ParentID
  2. Hello, I have a tree view Root --node1 --node2 --node3 --node4 I need change parent of "node4" from root to "node2" for example result Root --node1 --node2 |--node4 --node3 How can i do it on runtime ?
  3. fixes : i'm using onclick event and not onchange event. with this method i don't have problem
  4. Hello, I have a drag and drop functionality between a unidbgrid and a unitreeview. For do that i,'m using this code : on unidbgrid function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.enableColumnMove = true; config.viewConfig = { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'MainGridDrag', dropGroup: 'UserTreeDrop' } } } on treeview : function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.viewConfig= { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'UserTreeDrop', dropGroup: 'MainGridDrag', enableDrag: false }, listeners: { beforedrop: function(node, data, overModel, dropPos, opts) { this.droppedRecords = data.records; data.records = []; }, drop: function(node, data, overModel, dropPos, opts) { var SelectRec = ''; Ext.iterate(this.droppedRecords, function(record) { if (SelectRec == '') {SelectRec += record.get('id')} else {SelectRec += '-'+record.get('id')}; }); ajaxRequest(sender, "_ddrop", ["GridSel=" + SelectRec , "TreeSel=" + overModel.get('id')]); this.droppedRecords = undefined; } } } } the functionality must working like outlook, i have records on unidbgrid that i affect on directory(treeview node) with drag and drop functionality. After when i click on node that is doing a filter on grid for having the record affected to this directory My problem is when i drop record on treeview the onchange event is fired before drop event. How to suspend event onchange when i'm using drag and drop ? i'm trying sender.getSelectionModel().suspendEvents(true); on beforedrop and ajaxRequest(sender, "_ddrop", ["GridSel=" + SelectRec , "TreeSel=" + overModel.get('id')]); sender.getSelectionModel().resumeEvents(); on drop but it don't work. Any Idea ?
  5. feature : http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/planning-board/ the devlopement of v4 has just beginning
  6. issue : i had a TUniURLFrame with property visible := false and ir replace UniSession.AddJS('window.open('''+urlfile +''',''_blank'');'); with UniURLFrame1.URL:= urlfile ;
  7. the download demos work with stream or file that are on the unigui web server but in my case the file are on other server.
  8. hello, i have a unidbgrid linked to a datasource that displayed a list of filename. Actually if i'm using the event onDblClick and i have this code : procedure TUniForm.GridDCEDblClick(Sender: TObject); var urlFile : string; begin urlfile := UniMainModule.GetUrlFileServer+'/?'+UniMainModule.getParameterCurrentFile; UniSession.AddJS('window.open('''+urlfile +''',''_blank'');'); end; end; urlfile is a url that is on another webserver than unigui webserver. SO when i double click on cell that must launch a file download. WIth this methode i'm blocked by webbrowser because it think it is a popup. If i unblock popup security the file download is launched. It's working but i think there must be a better solution without unblock popup security. how would you do? hope I was clear enough
  9. actually there is special url myserver/myappunigui.dll/server to access to the control panel. I see in the demo "servercontrol panel" how to acces with this special url with login/password. I also see in the demo "session list" how to access to all session and how to retrieve variable define in unimainmodule. I would like to know how to have a mix of this two demo ? one interface with the info of servercontrol panel with a new tab where i can see equivalent of "session list" demo. Other possibility, how to custom url ? exemple myserver/myappunigui.dll/SUPERINFO that display a login/password form and if it is ok display a form with session list
  10. i'm using TuniDateTimePicker create on runtime on date field. so i neeed ondly date picker
  11. sorry , i's not work. when i click on caption the oncheck event is fired. so theres no difference between caption click and checkbox click. any idea ?
  12. The event oncheck is fire before onclick Issue : GLobal Var MenuChecked : boolean; TUniMenuItem.HideOnClick := true; TUniMenuItem.Oncheck := Oncheckeditemmenu; TUniMenuItem.onclick := OnClickmenuItem; procedure TMyForm.Oncheckeditemmenu(sender : tobject); begin MenuChecked := true; end; procedure TMyForm.OnClickmenuItem(sender : tobject); begin if menuchecked then begin MenuChecked:=false; end else begin // normal click function end end;
  13. I have a unibutton attach to a unipopupmenu. the itemmenu have the property CheckItem = true. graphically its is like the png attach to this post. Actually if i check or uncheck a checkbox the event itemonclick is fired. how can i have the folowing behavior : checkbox serve only for select. when i check, the popupmenu don't close itself and don't fire onclick event. if i click on the caption of the menu item , it must fired itemonclick event. If i click on unibuton , i have the list of item that are checked.
  14. i need filter on a date field. How can i set a unidatetimepicker as filter control. i tryed to set on runtime but i have this error message : TUniDBGrid:There is no Default JavaScript Object. [ : TUniDateTimePicker a part of my code CurFilterDate := TuniDateTimePicker.Create(panfilterHidden); CurFilterDate.Parent := PanFilterHidden; Curcolumn.Filtering.Editor := CurFilterDate; Curcolumn.Filtering.Enabled := true;
  15. If i use this code i have the scrollbar hidden for the unihtmlframe Is there an other solution ?
  16. Hello, Exemple : i have a grid with 50 record and a weboptions->page set to 10 so i had 5 pages I'm on the first page i'm selected the 3 first row and i'm going to the second page and i select one new row . if i'm back to first page the 3 first rows are not selected. Is there a method that exists with unidbgrid for keeping selection when i change page ?
  17. Thanks a lot it's working
  18. I produce a html source that i want to send to printer without the page was visible for user. I try this : MemoExport.visible := false; MemoExport.text := My_Page_Html_Generated; UniSession.AddJs(MemoExport.jsname+'.iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.print();'); With this method, the printing was launching before html was loaded in memo. How can i do this ?
  19. it's work. thanks a lot
  20. the block code with problem is {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Create dynamic CSS content to set button IconCls... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_grd {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/grid.png) !important; width: 100% !important;}'');'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_jar {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/jar.png) !important; width: 100% !important;}'');'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_edit {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/edit.png); width: 100%;}'');'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_copy {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/copy.png); width: 100%;}'');'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_cut {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/cut.png); width: 100%;}'');'); UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(''.ribbon_paste {background-image: url(assets/images/menu/paste.png); width: 100%;}'');'); it's seem to be a Extjs Problem : see ; https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?281297 If anybody could give a solution
  21. Excuse me. the error message is NOT on microsoft edge but with Internet explorer 11
  22. delphi XE7 unigui 1200
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