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Everything posted by alfhabetagama

  1. hi Gerhard and others or advance i want each column sortable, at time properties -> Sortable:=true; but couldn't sorting I use this query to show data , SELECT *, concat(desitem,' ',unit,' isi ',unitqty) as desitemdisplay, concat(codeitem,'-',desitem,' ',unit,' isi ',unitqty ) as codedisplay FROM (tbllistitem1 itm1 INNER JOIN tblitemwh itmwh on itm1.iditem=itmwh.iditem) INNER JOIN tblcodewh codewh on itmwh.idcode=codewh.idcode WHERE itmwh.codeitem LIKE '%MR%' order by codewh.descode asc, itmwh.codeitem asc bold characters are currently sorting. Pls help me, thank before Has
  2. use Quick report v.5.0.5, unigui 93.xx. I can export data perfectly to PDF with the project type to 2 (VCL Application / Standalone Server / Isapi Module). I use this code : procedure TMainForm.UniSpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var ViewPDF: TFormQR; GeneratePDF: TQRPDFDocumentFilter; begin ViewPDF := TFormQR.Create(Uniapplication); // can't using self or nil try GeneratePDF := TQRPDFDocumentFilter.Create(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + 'Coloring.pdf'); ViewPDF.QuickRep.ExportToFilter( GeneratePDF); UniURLFrame1.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + 'Coloring.pdf'; finally GeneratePDF.Free; ViewPDF.Free; end; end; But when I do project using options to 3 (isapi module), no error, no export proceeds. I do not know why it is like this, there may be advance who have this kind of experience?
  3. mierlp,, if you ever use tscexcelexport, please lets me know how to combine with Unigui, Please help me to export dataset to excel.
  4. thank you very nice, its work, once again thank you ganzqgy. I was worried earlier because of any default dataset for recno always -1 and i'm newbie.
  5. hai advance ... can anybody help me!! I have a problem with record numbers on UniDBGrid, first RecNo always -1,I want to be the first RecNo 1. next RecNo no problem, what's the solution. I use this code on procedure CalcFields if DM.QueryDataPending.FieldByName('RecNo').AsInteger = -1 then DM.QueryDataPending.FieldByName('RecNo').AsInteger := DM.DSDataPending.DataSet.RecNo+2 else DM.QueryDataPending.FieldByName('RecNo').AsInteger := DM.DSDataPending.DataSet.RecNo; there're some thing wrong with this code? Matur Nuwun / thank before
  6. Thank you very much...jeans_largi, very helpful. with so much simpler this way, before I use the combobox then enter the data from the database into the combobox, to replace the function DBLookUpCombobox
  7. Hi, all How can i do, selecting data on dblookupCombobox by typing, not on click. thank before
  8. I have the same problem, export to excel. Could anyone help me?
  9. I had the same problem, what's the solution ,,, Could any one help me
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