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Everything posted by dima72

  1. Hi idb68, try this: 1.Put on on Form a TUniPanel 2.In form's ClientEvents->ExtEvents->OnMouseMove write this code function window.Onmouseup(sender, x, y) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'MyEvent', [ 'param0='+x, 'param1='+y ]); } 3.On form OnAjaxEvent implement something like this procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); var X,Y: Integer; begin if EventName='MyEvent' then begin TryStrToInt(Params.Values['param0'], X); TryStrToInt(Params.Values['param1'], Y); UniPanel1.Left:= X-(UniPanel1.Width div 2); UniPanel1.Top:= Y-(UniPanel1.Height div 2); end; end; Please do not criticize me for this code as it is rather experimental. dima
  2. Hi, I highly appreciate UniGui approach. my question is how can i quickly port my existing application to UniGui? It is cumbersome thing to redesign all forms in existing gui. Maybe I can derive kind of Mediator component, put it on my existing forms and connect GUI components to it? Perhaps i can derive my forms from UniGui forms without much of coding. thanks in advance. Dmitry
  3. > there are several examples under examples folder which ones exactly, please. I skimmed through all Demos directory with %DragDrop% search and did not find anything. thanks in advance, Dmitry
  4. After installing some package manually the UniGUI Project Wizard appears in IDE. I'm not sure which package it is. Dmitry
  5. Hi, I have installed UniGUI on Demphi XE. I can not find UniGUI Project Wizard as it mentioned in http://www.unigui.com/downloads/93 Some advice please. Dmitry
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