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  1. Hello, oImage: variant; oImage:=DSetObject.FieldByName('Pic').AsVariant; UniImage1.Picture := oImage;//which property of control need to be used to set image Thank you
  2. Hello, My image is in variant type variable. How to display in image control?
  3. Hello Sherzod, I know it has to be done either on cellclicked or selectionchange of grid. To add image normally to an image control we specify UniImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(FolderPath+'images\'+IntToStr(adr)+'.jpg'). I want to display image which is in variant variable. I want to know which prooerty of image control i need to use to set image from variant type.
  4. I need to show image seperately when user selects an item from grid. Image element is outside grid. I do not want to use TUniDBImage since it will be connected to datasource and will select first image by default.
  5. Hello, I need to select the id of the selected rows, i am not sure how to access it in the following loop for i := 0 to grdUser.SelectedRows.Count-1 do begin end;
  6. Hello, I am using 1.90 build 1530. I am using licensed version
  7. Hello zhyhero, Can you please share the code of 'selected info' button to select the specfic rows? Thanks
  8. Hello, How to keep label in center of panel, when the panel is resized at runtime?
  9. Hello, I am using Delphi 10.2 and UniGui version 1.90.0 build 153.
  10. No. i am using licensed version of Delphi.
  11. Hi, Can you please share the sample application?
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