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  1. Hi Sherzod, If columns are available in Treeview, we can set our own values per node. I'm sorry that i can't be any more clear in what my intentions are, but in short is that we need to be able to set our own values. From the screenshot, IF we use UniDBTreeGrid, can we set our own values in the spaces NEXT to the currently empty fields of "Bahamas" ? https://imgshare.io/image/ui.NwKLfw If Columns and Treeview is possible in the future, like the TMS FMX treeview, then we can use Treeview for our solution. Thanks. Paul
  2. Hi, See screenshot , i hope this explains all. https://imgshare.io/image/ui.NwKLfw Thanks !
  3. Hi Sherzod, Can you inform me if the above is possible ? This way we know we can proceed. Thanks.
  4. Hi, Sorry for the late answer, two of my colleagues were absent. Currently i use this in FMX, small example : procedure TForm21.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var n, pn: TTMSFMXTreeViewNode; begin while not sq_detail.eof do begin pn := TMSFMXTreeView3.Nodes.Add; pn.text[0] := Trim(sart); pn.CollapsedIcons[0, False] := TMSFMXBitmapContainer2.Items.Items.Bitmap; pn.ExpandedIcons[0, False] := TMSFMXBitmapContainer2.Items.Items.Bitmap; pn.text[1] := trim(scolor); pn.text[2] := trim(sConfirmed); pn.text[3] := trim(sAmount); pn.text[4] := trim(sPrice); while not r_order.Eof do begin n := TMSFMXTreeView3.AddNode(pn); n.Text[3] := trim(smeters); n.Text[4] := trim(slocation); n.Text[5] := trim(sid); r_order.Next; end; inc(i); sq_detail.next; end; end; See screenshot below for example result : https://imgshare.io/image/treeviewcolums.Nrd7Nx As you can see i work with columns with the Treeview. Is this also possible with UniGUI creating columns in a treeview ? If not, is there an other way to simulate colums with expandable nodes ? As far as i can see, current Treeview can only add Nodes / Subnodes without columns. Thanks. Paul
  5. Hi Sherzod, Can you inform me if the above is possible ? This way we know we can proceed with the project testing and buying the package. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I saw the Treegirid demo too and it looks promissing, but i only miss the option to place values / text in these "column header" boxes, see url : https://imgshare.io/image/col2.zWgAF (Edited in Paint, see red circles with BOLD values) Is there a way to get values in the "gouped header" columns ? Thanks ! Paul
  7. Hi, The last thing i must figure out before we buy UniGUI, is a way to get treeview working with columns or simulate a view like that. Currently i use this in FMX : TMSFMXTreeView1.Columns.Add.Text := 'Product'; TMSFMXTreeView1.Columns.Add.Text := 'Color'; TMSFMXTreeView1.Columns[0].width := 175; TMSFMXTreeView1.Columns[1].width := 140; Is such a thing also possible with UniGUI desktop ? I tried to simulate it by using a HTML Table as Caption of the Treeview, but for some reason it places the HTML Table below the node as caption, instead of next to it. https://imgshare.io/image/html.z8VSf Code : UniTreeView1.Items.AddChild(Prn, trim('<table><tbody><tr><td>One</td><td>Two</td><td>Three</td><td>Four</td></tr></tbody></table>')); If this isn;t possibe with UniGUI, then there is another way to get done what i need and that is Master / Detail DBGrid in ONE, that way i can simulate the view per row. I read in an older post that Master / Detail in ONE grid was expected in Version 1.1, but it's not there yet, right ? I saw also the row widget example, but it's not as fast and responsive, as it creates the view on each expand. Thanks for your time. Paul
  8. MANY thanks !!!! This will help me alot Cheers !
  9. Hi, When using StringGrid in a mobile app, i get the Ajax error message : cannot read property 'Cellmodel' of undefined Am i missing a setting to get a Stringgrid working on a mobile web app ? Thanks, // Edit. I was editing the mdemo for touch and placed there a Stringgrid, but i understand StringGrid is not possible in Touch app. Thanks. P.S. I didn't see a reply button on my post, so hence my edit. Paul
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