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  1. Sorry but what do you mean by test? Looking at the example above, in none of the following cases // // Not Working !! activeControl := edtEti;// <--- TUnimEdit // // Not Working !! UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + edtEti.JSName + '.focus()}, 100)'); // // Not Working !! edtEti.JSInterface.JSCall('focus', []) The focus is returned to the requested field. The problem occurs on all browsers on mobile devices and also on desktop. What other case should I do? Thank you
  2. Good morning, use version Tks.
  3. procedure TxFrmMage.cmdSelez(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;Shift: TShiftState); var lVal : string; lMsg : string; lNum : integer; begin if (key = VK_F1) or (key = VK_F2) then begin cmdClose(nil); end; // if key <> VK_RETURN then exit; // // // I've tried every one of these possibilities // // // Not Working !! activeControl := edtEti;// <--- TUnimEdit // // Not Working !! UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){' + edtEti.JSName + '.focus()}, 100)'); // // Not Working !! edtEti.JSInterface.JSCall('focus', []) // // end;
  4. UniGui Mobile, how can I assign focus to a Tunimedit control? Why tunimedit.setfocus notWork on Mobile browser ? Tks
  5. Thank you, I found the instructions for a complete reinstallation on XE11.1 ....
  6. Good morning, I wanted to know if version 1 .. it can be installed on Delphi Xe 11.1 Thank you
  7. Unfortunately, we have been waiting for management for some years simple of the localstorage .....
  8. If I have to switch from day to week view, how should I proceed?
  9. why the call does not work on TUnimCalendarPanel calCalendar.JSInterface.JSCall ('setView', ['day']); while on TUniCalendarPanel it works correctly? Thank you
  10. I am currently using version Opening your demo Touch \ calendar Panel, this is not the problem exists
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