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  1. I can find the solution for TUniImage: The canvas is in the TUniImage.picture.bitmap instead of TImage.canvas But in the TUnipanel it dosent work and you can not changed the picture of the backgraund property of UniPanel! think this is because that TUniPanel is in client side and server can not edit that. if anyone have a solution for TUnipanel i will be very happy to know that. Teşekkürler.
  2. I can find the solution for TUniImage: The canvas is in the TUniImage.picture.bitmap instead of TImage.canvas But in the TUnipanel it dosent work and you can not changed the picture of the backgraund property of UniPanel! think this is because that TUniPanel is in client side and server can not edit that. if anyone have a solution for TUnipanel i will be very happy to know that. Teşekkürler.
  3. I have two image in any platform of UniGui, TUniImage or TUniPanel or UniCanvas etc Now I must merge two images in one. Anybody knows? like below (in VCL) =================== procedure MergeToImages(img1, img2 : TImage; x, y : integer); // merging img2 in x, y position of img1 in length of in 100px Rect var DstRect : TRect; begin img1.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; DstRect := Rect(x-100, y-100, X+100, Y+100); img1.Canvas.CopyRect(DstRect, img2.Canvas, DstRect); end; thanks
  4. I have two image in any platform of UniGui, TUniImage or TUniPanel or UniCanvas etc Now I must merge two images in one. Anybody knows? like below (in VCL) procedure MergeToImages(img1, img2 : TImage; x, y : integer); // merging img2 in x, y position of img1 in length of in 100px Rect var DstRect : TRect; begin img1.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; DstRect := Rect(x-100, y-100, X+100, Y+100); img1.Canvas.CopyRect(DstRect, img2.Canvas, DstRect); end; thanks
  5. because user maybe select one color in the palette and then want to changed that color and select another one and finally want to finished the selection but not with ok button because that button is far from mouse current location and it is so easy to use dblclick for confirmation selected color.
  6. i have a color set form that user set one of the colors from UniColorPalette and i want to do that via dblclick over the colors of colorpalette.
  7. dont we have any way to dblclick for UniColorPalette?
  8. i dont use trial version. License is for ventura.com.tr
  9. and would you please help me in UniColorPalette dblclick event problem.
  10. I dont understand would you please explain clearly.
  11. But it is more imporant to me that how i can set dblclick event for TUniColorPalette. can you help me?
  12. I said than i used you written as below but it dosent work. UniSession.SetStyle( '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view{'+ ' background-color: ' + uniColor2Web(UniTreeView1.Color) + ';'+ '}'+ '#' + UniTreeView1.JSName + '_id .x-tree-view .x-grid-cell-inner-treecolumn{'+ ' background-color: ' + uniColor2Web(UniTreeView1.Color) + ';'+ ' color: ' + uniColor2Web(UniTreeView1.Font.Color) +';'+ ' font: ' + UniTreeView1.Font.ToString(False, False, False, False) +';'+ '}' );
  13. I need to drag Treenodes between one treeview and write enddrag event in pascal to do somting? how can i use enddrag event? we dont have any dragemode properties like VCL.
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