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Mehmet Emin

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Everything posted by Mehmet Emin

  1. Thank you. This solved my issue with mobile grid.
  2. I am using like this: UniSession.addJS('Ext.toast({message: "Hai cancellato il tuo appuntamento.", timeout: 2000});');
  3. Pas2JS wrappers to access Ext JS properties and methods inside the ClientEvents would be a dream combination for uniGUI. Having a high level tool like uniGUI and coding those JavaScript events without a proper IDE code completion is a pain. If uniGUI finds some solution to this, will further strengthen its position in the market.
  4. How can I customize the message of Ext.toast to display as in this picture? Thanks
  5. I have a TUnimDBGrid on top which fetch all its data from db at once. As I scroll the TUnimDBGrid I want to display one of the columns in the below TUnimMemo. Currently I have a TUnimDBMemo to handle this but it generates an ajax call at each scroll. How can I handle this all at "client" so that as I scroll the TUnimDBGrid I want to refresh content of TUnimMemo? Thanks in advance
  6. How Can I auto size TUnimDBGrid column to available space or something like flex? I want my last column to fit available space. I could do it in the desktop components. But it's not possible in mobile. Thank you
  7. Hi, This is a sample project with Google recaptcha v3 implementation in uniGUI. 1. Register your domain/hostname and get your site and secret keys at https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin 2. In the server module set the constants: RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY 3. Call Recaptcha3InitJSLibrary in UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit 4. Call Recaptcha3Execute in UniFormAfterShow 5. You will need a hidden edit (TUniCustomEdit descendant) on the form in order to keep the recaptcha response and use it during site verification. recaptcha3_reupload.7z
  8. Thank you, downloaded. There was some "deprecated" warnings but I cleaned them. I will have a look at the layouts/client alignments.
  9. @mhmda Do you still have this example? Can you re-upload to thread? Thanks
  10. function afterCreate(sender) { var me = sender.inputElement; if (me) { me.dom.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'new-password'); } } OK I've found it in the forum
  11. Please consider adding this features. It will make our workflow much faster. As I am happy with server part of uniGUI but JS client event handling is (most of the times) hard for me.
  12. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50186223/autocomplete-new-password-and-making-them-confirm-it-via-entering-the-password-a#:~:text=Just use autocomplete%3D"new-,with the same value instantly. Google Chrome gives me a warning. I want to add an attribute to my element.
  13. How can I add autocomplete attributes to an input element? [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes (suggested: "new-password"): (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) <input tabindex="140" class="x-input-el" id="ext-element-40" type="password" name="O5E" placeholder="PIN" data-componentid="frmselectvisittypem_edtuserpin_0"> Thanks in advance
  14. When I try to use "ext-modern.js" I get this error "Ext.Container is not a constructor" So I dont know what is its purpose. Is anyone using ext-modern.js?
  15. What is the difference between these two? ext-modern.js is almost 60% smaller. But how to utilize it. uniGUI automatically references ext-modern-all.js in the generated html. Do we have a way to switch between these? Thanks
  16. I think its acceptable to query the database every second or millisecond as long as you obey the rules: You have the correct index on your table and you utilize this index in your query. Your sql only ask changes from previous query. Don't re-create and destroy at every call. Instead make sure you create it in the beginning and call it with changed parameters. Run this query on a thread. So you will run only one query for second/millisecond for the all sessions. Do not run it per UniSession on the UniMainModule. Let's say 100 people playing online. you call the query and find that there are 10 moves performed since your previous call. On the table you query you store the sessionid of the user who makes the move. You calculate the new state of the game per session id or game id. At this stage you query the UniServerModule module for the UniSession of the user(s). Your thread.execute ... if UniServerModule <> nil then begin if UniServerModule.SessionManager <> nil then begin if UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.QuerySession(thesessionidfromdb) then begin LSession := UniServerModule.GetSession(thesessionidfromdb); UsersMainModule := TUniMainModule(LSession.UniApplication.UniMainModule); UsersMainModule.YourGameStateUpdated := True; end; end; .. So this way you query the database every second but not per session, only once per server. From here you have two options: You can have a tunitimer on the form to check UsersMainModule.YourGameStateUpdated Or better you have some websocket to update the user only if there is update. **Note that you may need some locking mecanism (lock.enter .leave) during access to YourGameStateUpdated
  17. [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive. See <URL> Should I be worried by this warning on mobile? (Chrome) It fills the console log wherever I touch on the form! Every form every touch. Seems that Google Chrome is complaining on ExtJS. Is there a newer version of uniGUI/ExtJS on the pipe to silence/fix these and other Chrome warnings about performance?
  18. Thank you for Linux support and documentation. Why don't you just add CDN support to new property like FrameworkFilesRoot="http://cdn.example.com/unigui"? These framework files are all static and does not have to be served by uniGUI.
  19. I just found it's purpose in the newly published Linux documentation today. So my expectations for the "cdn support" for static framework files of uniGUI has failed.
  20. There is a workaround. I had the same problem few minutes ago.
  21. Hi How can I control the visible order of TUnimTabSheet created (in designtime) inside a TUnimTabPanel? I modify CreateOrder properties of TUnimTabSheet's but does not affect anything. Is this a bug or by design or am I making mistake? Thanks,
  22. As I was searching the forum for an unrelated subject this morning I came across this comment by the uniGUI developer. I recommend it. I mean changing those max values depends on many factors. There is also a uniGUI stress test tool that you can test your app on load.
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