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Mehmet Emin

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Everything posted by Mehmet Emin

  1. Hi Roberto, use the childdoubletap or similar have a look at this debug there you can access what you want. Hope it helps this time
  2. Hi Roberto, have a look at the following thread may help.
  3. Thanks very much @Farshad Mohajeri for solving this issue. It was a true showstopper for my projects. Converting uniGUI code to something else is like trying to reinvent the wheel using a triangle instead of a circle. I'll be in this boat for a long time..
  4. What is the accepted maximum http header size of uniGUI internal webserver? Apache default limit is 8KB, in IIS it's 16K Is it adjustable in uniGUI internal Indy webserver? Thanks
  5. Their mobile apps (facebook and messenger) are using internal browsers in order not let people out of their apps. There used to be an option to disable this feature but no more.
  6. I see that this will be addressed in a future (2021 roadmap) version.
  7. Dear Developer team, You did not help me with the Facebook browser issue and I was disappointed. At least you could escalate this problem to Sencha. Since we do not have a Sencha license, it is impossible for us to get this support from them. Not being able to get support from you put me in a difficult situation in front of my client. Facebook is a platform used by a large number of people. I think it is not very correct to say that we do not support this browser. This problem should have been somehow resolved with a patch. For this reason alone, I have to move my applications to another platform. I will have to think carefully before I renew my license in June.
  8. +1 I want to use uniGUI to develop every type of web app but its dependency on Ext.JS is something must be solved by Farshad. I recently had to make a difficult decision and started porting an app to TMS WEB Core just to use alternative CSS frameworks. Its productivity no way near uniGUI but Ext.JS does not work with Facebook Inapp browser on IOS.
  9. I have a problem with Facebook Messenger IOS app (it does not run Ext JS webpage) so I want to insert some debug code to try to trace what is wrong.
  10. Hi Here is a sample: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="it"> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta name="google" content="notranslate" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <title>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</title> <script src="/myfirst.js"></script> //I want to insert just here <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/modern/theme-material/resources/theme-material-all.css" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/unim-" /> <script src="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/ext-modern-all.js"></script> <script src="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/modern/theme-material/theme-material.js"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/classic/locale/locale-it.js"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/packages/font-pictos/resources/font-pictos-all.css" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/ext-7.0.0/build/packages/font-awesome/resources/font-awesome-all.css" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/uni-" /> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/uni-" /> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/uni-" /> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <script src="/m/uni-"></script> <link rel=stylesheet href="/m/unim-" /> <script src="/m/unim-"></script>
  11. How can I insert a custom script to run before any other script. CustomFiles property of ServerModule allows to add but only after uniGUI scripts. Thanks
  12. If one day you make available the Lazarus version, please consider to make it build compatible with arm arch. especially raspberry pi. Thanks Emin
  13. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API On the above Service Worker API documentation there are mentions of geo-location or geo-fencing. with "In the future..." wish.
  14. Sorry it seems that Geolocation object inside worker thread is not available.
  15. You can use service workers in JS. I have used them to send messages to my web app (when they are in the background) but not tried geo location.
  16. Sorry I don't have an example, it's inside my web app. Actually there is not much code other then including Jitsi JS files to your servermodule and the above AddJS function on a form. The more important thing is to have Jitsi installed in correct way to your server and configure it. And this is documented well on their website. Just one note that it will not function (it will try to redirect to mobile app) on mobile phones unless you have this JS config. ' configOverwrite:{'+ ' disableDeepLinking :true'+ ' }'+
  17. Also I did not load it with 1000 users but it is possible and there is a documentation for scaling.
  18. I have been using https://jitsi.org/ for some months with success. I installed on my server so that I can configure to my needs. There is documentation https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/intro there you can find self hosting help. It is free and open source based on WebRTC. This is how I use it inside uniGUI you can configure usage based on your needs: I only did not try to disable video (I use it for video conferancing) but should be possible with the configuration. UniSession.AddJS( 'if (typeof window.jitsi_api !== "undefined") {'+ ' window.jitsi_api.dispose();'+ '}'+ 'const jitsi_domain = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";'+ 'const jitsi_options = {'+ ' roomName: "'+THashMD5.GetHashString(FTicket.ticketId)+'",'+ ' parentNode: document.querySelector("#'+tsJitsiAPI.JSId+'"),'+ ' userInfo: {'+ ' email: "'+GetUserEmail+'",'+ ' displayName: "'+GetUserDisplayName+'"'+ ' },'+ ' configOverwrite:{'+ ' disableDeepLinking :true'+ ' }'+ '};'+ 'window.jitsi_api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(jitsi_domain, jitsi_options);'+ 'window.jitsi_api.executeCommand("subject", "'+UniMainModule.Config.Shop.Name + ' ' + UniMainModule.Config.Category.Name +'");'+ 'window.jitsi_api.on("readyToClose", () => {'+ ' console.log("window.jitsi_api.dispose()");'+ ' window.jitsi_api.dispose();'+ ' '+tpMeeting.JSName+'.setActiveItemIndex(0);'+ '});' );
  19. Because assigning window.location.href redirects from current uniGUI context. Try one of the approaches from this url https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7554108/javascript-window-location-in-new-tab?lq=1 window.open("tel://' + sTel + '"', '_blank');
  20. The 2020 roadmap link on the main page of your website is not working http://unigui.com/explore/unigui-roadmap-2020 Other than that the new website looks very much modern.
  21. I hope one day uniGUI considers a version of the tool that targets multiple JS UI client frameworks with linux (already present) and Lazarus. May be in the future the developer makes available some abstract parts of the tool to override and adapt it to different JS UI frameworks.
  22. +1 Gerhard I am using your theme packs please consider mobile themes. Thanks
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