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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Hello! How make this? Question in topic name.
  2. On you picture yes, correctly... You using my code?
  3. No, I'm using PNG format... With BMP also not working right
  4. arrow_80px2.bmp arrow_pointing_left_80px2.bmp
  5. Like this: procedure TUniFrame1.UniDBGrid1FieldImage( const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const AField: TField; var OutImage: TGraphic; var DoNotDispose: Boolean; var ATransparent: TUniTransparentOption); begin if SameText(AField.FieldName, 'MyField') then begin DoNotDispose:=True; if AField.AsInteger = 0 then OutImage:=UniImage1.Picture.Graphic else if AField.AsInteger = 1 then OutImage:=UniImage2.Picture.Graphic; end; end;
  6. Yes, as it were, what an example... I just added a picture display, and it's with a black background. Actually, my question does not mean "how to do it", but maybe some module needs to be connected that supports PNG files, I asked about it. Well, for example, in standard VCL, there is a PNGImage module there.
  7. Working normal in: Edge: Opera: Firefox: also, when mouse enter in UniDBGrid: I think, result is good...
  8. This: /* width */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 20px; } /* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { box-shadow: inset 0 0 5px grey; border-radius: 10px; } /* Handle */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: red; border-radius: 10px; } /* Handle on hover */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #b30000; } in UniServerModule.CustomCSS?
  9. Yes of course. In UniServerModule.CustomFiles Error showing when I opening my UniFrame.
  10. @Sherzod, I found a solution on the Internet, it seems to me. Works in any browser and changes the appearance of the scrollbar. I've done a little bit of code, in terms of colors, for myself: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_custom_scrollbar2 Please tell me how to apply it in the project? Where and how to place it so that it works?
  11. updated: I did it myself .customWin { border-radius: 12px !important; border-color: #29292B !important; /*цвет рамки форм*/ border-width: 0px!; color: #2b333b!important; background-color:#2b333b!important; /*цвет формы*/ }
  12. Thank's, @Sherzod! Last question. I'm have CSS code: rounded { border-radius: 12px; border-color: #292D2B!important; /*цвет рамки форм*/ border-width: 0px!; color: #2b333b!important; background-color:#2b333b!important; /*цвет формы*/ } This code makes the rounded edges of the shape the way I need it. But, if I try to add it to your code above, then my frame does not become rounded + its color does not change the way it all changes if I just use .rounded How do I combine your code and mine into one?
  13. There is also a question on the topic. How to process and find out which button was clicked? I need to perform actions depending on the button pressed.
  14. Of course I was looking. Before creating a topic, I search the forum. But, more often, or there are not those topics or topics in which there seems to be the same question, but topics without answers.
  15. I asked him a question. He doesn't respond to my messages anymore for some reason. But, the rest changes in UniDBGrid... What about the other two questions? There's probably something you can do there.
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