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Everything posted by MarcoPis

  1. MarcoPis

    Bad Support

    I don't even know how to see if the topics are closed or not. However for some reasons I had to create a new topic after your answers and it never happened before, so it seems a little strange...
  2. MarcoPis

    Bad Support

    In these 3 topics i can't answer anymore. 1. 2. 3. maybe i don't know how to use the forum, but I can answer in this topic and I can't answer in the linked topics.
  3. MarcoPis

    Bad Support

    I just asked my boss for his UniGui Forum credentials and he gave me. But it is not the right way I should ask for support. I understand you don't want to help anyone who uses an illegal license, but that way it's a bit of an exaggeration. I also gave you the name of my company so you can also take the risk of answering me. Now I will be forced to use an account not in my possession to ask for help, futhermore, my topic is also about a bug report, and not just a fix for me. Finally, if you can't answer, don't ask for information by closing the topic. Sherzod, closed 3 of my topics for no reason. If you ask what version of UniGui I have, you can let me answer instead of force creating a new topic
  4. MarcoPis

    Bad Support

    Hi all, I'm sorry for this bad review but it is necessary. I work in a company and I do not have access to portal FMSoft to set my eMail. I also asked my Company Owner for these credentials but he declined. That means I can't complete this procedure : It is difficult to find support for Delphi and it is not fair to be denied your help. Fortunately for you, the choice of software is not up to me. I will certainly report what happened to my managers. It would also be right not to close topics for no reason.
  5. Hi, Sorry for this new topic, but I was unable to answer on the old post. I just made a HTTP call in UniGui Desktop and it works perfectly. I made the same in UniGui Mobile using mobile components and it's not working. I Have Delphi 10.3 and UniGui (Complete Professional) I can't set the EMail, because i'm in a company and I have not credentials for login in FMSoft. If it can help my Company is Tinn S.r.l from Italy. HTTP - Request procedure TUFmLoginm.btLoginRequestClick(Sender: TObject); Var aUrlSubmit, aUrlCancel, aUrl, sProtocol :string; Begin frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := ''; if UniServerModule.PINEndPoint.Contains('https') then sProtocol := 'https' else sProtocol := 'http'; aUrlSubmit := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('loggedwithcredentials', self, ['RES', 'OK']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlSubmit.Contains('https') then aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlSubmit := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlSubmit)); aUrlCancel := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('logincancelled', self, ['RES', 'Cancel']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlCancel.Contains('https') then aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlCancel := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlCancel)); if TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore'].IsEmpty then aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+UniMainModule.gestore+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID else aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore']+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID; frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := aURL; frmPinm.Show End; End Point procedure TFrmAuthnm.FormPost; var data_event : string; begin { ... elaboration ... } with UniMainModule.GetDM do begin if not UniMainModule.Url_submit.IsEmpty then begin if FResponsePost then begin s := 'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+ 'f.action="'+UniMainModule.Url_submit+'"; '+ // the second app url 'f.method="POST"; '; s := s+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // url_submit 'i.type="hidden"; '+ 'i.name="data_event"; '+ 'i.value="'+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)+'"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i); '; s := s+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+ 'f.submit(); '; UniSession.AddJS(s) end else UniSession.UrlRedirect(UniMainModule.Url_submit+'&data_event='+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)); end; end; Ajax Event that intercept CallBack procedure TUFmLoginm.UnimLoginFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var jsonResponse, aURL : string; credentials : TLoginCredentials; begin if (EventName = 'loggedwithcredentials') and (Params.Values['RES']='OK') then begin if not Params.Values['data_event'].IsEmpty then begin // elab .... frmPinm.Hide; ModalResult := mrOK finally credentials.Free end end end end; All works fine except AjaxEvent that doesn't intercept the EventName "loggedwithcredentials".
  6. Hi, Sorry for this new topic, but I was unable to answer on the old post. I just made a HTTP call in UniGui Desktop and it works perfectly. I made the same in UniGui Mobile using mobile components and it's not working. I Have Delphi 10.3 and UniGui (Complete Professional) HTTP - Request procedure TUFmLoginm.btLoginRequestClick(Sender: TObject); Var aUrlSubmit, aUrlCancel, aUrl, sProtocol :string; Begin frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := ''; if UniServerModule.PINEndPoint.Contains('https') then sProtocol := 'https' else sProtocol := 'http'; aUrlSubmit := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('loggedwithcredentials', self, ['RES', 'OK']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlSubmit.Contains('https') then aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlSubmit := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlSubmit)); aUrlCancel := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('logincancelled', self, ['RES', 'Cancel']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlCancel.Contains('https') then aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlCancel := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlCancel)); if TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore'].IsEmpty then aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+UniMainModule.gestore+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID else aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore']+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID; frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := aURL; frmPinm.Show End; End Point procedure TFrmAuthnm.FormPost; var data_event : string; begin { ... elaboration ... } with UniMainModule.GetDM do begin if not UniMainModule.Url_submit.IsEmpty then begin if FResponsePost then begin s := 'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+ 'f.action="'+UniMainModule.Url_submit+'"; '+ // the second app url 'f.method="POST"; '; s := s+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // url_submit 'i.type="hidden"; '+ 'i.name="data_event"; '+ 'i.value="'+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)+'"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i); '; s := s+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+ 'f.submit(); '; UniSession.AddJS(s) end else UniSession.UrlRedirect(UniMainModule.Url_submit+'&data_event='+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)); end; end; Ajax Event that intercept CallBack procedure TUFmLoginm.UnimLoginFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var jsonResponse, aURL : string; credentials : TLoginCredentials; begin if (EventName = 'loggedwithcredentials') and (Params.Values['RES']='OK') then begin if not Params.Values['data_event'].IsEmpty then begin // elab .... frmPinm.Hide; ModalResult := mrOK finally credentials.Free end end end end; All works fine except AjaxEvent that doesn't intercept the EventName "loggedwithcredentials".
  7. Hi, I just made a HTTP call in UniGui Desktop and it works perfectly. I made the same in UniGui Mobile using mobile components and it's not working. HTTP - Request procedure TUFmLoginm.btLoginRequestClick(Sender: TObject); Var aUrlSubmit, aUrlCancel, aUrl, sProtocol :string; Begin frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := ''; if UniServerModule.PINEndPoint.Contains('https') then sProtocol := 'https' else sProtocol := 'http'; aUrlSubmit := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('loggedwithcredentials', self, ['RES', 'OK']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlSubmit.Contains('https') then aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlSubmit := aUrlSubmit.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlSubmit := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlSubmit)); aUrlCancel := UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('logincancelled', self, ['RES', 'Cancel']); if sProtocol.Contains('https') and not aUrlCancel.Contains('https') then aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace('http', sProtocol, []); aUrlCancel := aUrlCancel.Replace(#$D#$A, '', [rfReplaceAll]); aUrlCancel := TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TStringRoutines.GetBase64CryptedString(aUrlCancel)); if TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore'].IsEmpty then aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+UniMainModule.gestore+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID else aUrl := UniServerModule.PINEndPoint+'/?action=authn&gestore='+TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Parameters.values['gestore']+'&url_submit='+aUrlSubmit+'&url_cancel='+aUrlCancel+'&_S_ID='+UniSession.SessionId+'&appid='+UniMainModule.appID; frmPinm.UnimURLFrame1.URL := aURL; frmPinm.Show End; End Point procedure TFrmAuthnm.FormPost; var data_event : string; begin { ... elaboration ... } with UniMainModule.GetDM do begin if not UniMainModule.Url_submit.IsEmpty then begin if FResponsePost then begin s := 'var f = document.createElement("form"); '+ 'f.action="'+UniMainModule.Url_submit+'"; '+ // the second app url 'f.method="POST"; '; s := s+ 'var i=document.createElement("input"); '+ // url_submit 'i.type="hidden"; '+ 'i.name="data_event"; '+ 'i.value="'+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)+'"; '+ 'f.appendChild(i); '; s := s+ 'document.body.appendChild(f); '+ 'f.submit(); '; UniSession.AddJS(s) end else UniSession.UrlRedirect(UniMainModule.Url_submit+'&data_event='+TNetEncoding.Url.Encode(data_event)); end; end; Ajax Event that intercept CallBack procedure TUFmLoginm.UnimLoginFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var jsonResponse, aURL : string; credentials : TLoginCredentials; begin if (EventName = 'loggedwithcredentials') and (Params.Values['RES']='OK') then begin if not Params.Values['data_event'].IsEmpty then begin // elab .... frmPinm.Hide; ModalResult := mrOK finally credentials.Free end end end end; All works fine except AjaxEvent that doesn't intercept the EventName "loggedwithcredentials".
  8. I solved the problem, by using IDField and IDParentField Properties. I don't like the solution but it works.
  9. Image Link Hi, i'm using a UniDBTreeGrid with TreeKeyFields = "Periodo;Tipologia". Is it possible to display a value in the red area? (see linked image)
  10. Hi, do you have a linked datasource? Standalone or Isapi?
  11. I'm using Delphi at work. I'm new of that, but I like it
  12. UniSession.AddJS('document.body.innerHTML += ''<p>Directory: <input type="file" webkitdirectory mozdirectory /></p>'''); It creates the component by HTML, but you will need some css for make it appears when you need.
  13. Hi, I found a solution for print the whole grid, but it is not a best practice. I created an invisible UniPanel with a UniDbGrid inside that has Paged property False. When I export the Grid I do as follow. UniPanel3.Visible := True; //Panel that contains the UniDBGrid to Export UniDbGrid1.Visible := False; //Hide the grid with WebOptions.Paged = True UniDBGrid2.Exporter.Exporter := UniGridExcelExporter1; UniDBGrid2.Exporter.ExportGrid; // Export the grid with WebOptions.Paged = False; UniPanel3.Visible := False; //Hide the panel that contains the grid with WebOptions.Paged =False; UniDbGrid1.Visible := True; //Show the real Grid Pros : You can print the whole grid using UniGui native components, Cons : You have a clone of your UniDBGrid just for export. Hope it helps.
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