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Everything posted by estrify

  1. Attached a solution to do something similar but with a different way, here using UniComboBox (it may not be what you need)... In the example, UniEdit is used as filter input to avoid JS on client side around the combobox's provisional text and keystrokes, as UniGUI doesn't tell you the input text you see on screen. ComboBox.rar
  2. Furthermore, if you use only ExtJS client side code, UniGUI's events like OnDrawColumnCell doesn't run properly because its "Column" parameter will tell you a server side column (not moved) and not client side one (that has been moved). The same occurs with OnTitleClick event. Have I to resign to give up these two events because there is no way to move columns on server side???... If so, how could I disable column moving possibility?
  3. ExtJS solves it perfectly with Oncolumnmove event and it is detectable within UniGUI using ajaxRequest. What I wish is to modify columns order inside UniGUI to maintain the component synchronized. It is not possible?
  4. Any idea? It is possible? Any suggestion to workaround?
  5. Hi, Please, could you tell me how to indicate the order in a column with arrows (ascending or descending)??? Thx
  6. Hi, Is there a way to move TUniDBGrid's columns at runtime?. The problem is that the user can move columns in a Web Grid but when have to refresh the web grid, its columns return to those predefined in design time. Regards,
  7. Maybe. We look forward to seeing the new version of unigui thanks!!.
  8. Thank you for this component. There is a bug in this component: each time the collapse/expand button is pressed (on any layout: north, south, east or west), the center region becomes smaller (on its length and width) so all other regions becomes bigger. This is more evident if you collapse/expand several times. Could you please revise it.
  9. Hi Farshad, It's possible the adding of a "Reload" button in the ImageList Editor of the TUniImageList component?. It implies the storage of the file name and path for each image, but it should help a lot when changing, replacing, adjusting or retouching images without affecting their indexes. And referencing to images by an alias to make images independent of their order inside the image list? Thanks in advance.
  10. estrify

    Layout Window

    That is!!!... It works!!!!... Thank you...
  11. estrify

    Layout Window

    Thank you very much for your dedication. It will be great to see this functionality integrated within UniGUI.
  12. I eventually ended up using a TUniDBGrid with an in memory table to meet the features that TUniStringGrid doesn't have yet. Thanks anyway.
  13. Ok, thanks for help. Do you know the name of styles that UniGUI uses for the TUniStringGrid to modify the general appearance for this component for all forms where it is being used?.
  14. It's possible to modify the cell alignment of a TUniStringGrid? Thanks
  15. estrify

    Layout Window

    Can anyone help to find what is wrong with the sample or tell me how to achieve the desired result of ExtJS using UniGUI? Thx
  16. estrify

    Layout Window

    I am trying but I can't find the way. I attach: ExtJS demo that I wish simulate with UnigUI (Basically is a simple Window that contains a panel and a tab panel) UniGUI equivalent to ExtJS demo The intended effect is caused by the config line layout: 'border' (line 54 in layout.js). In UniGUI, I am using ClientEvents to put the following: function window.OnAdded(sender, ownerCt, index) { //sender.border=false; sender.plain=true; sender.layout='border'; } But it doesn't work. May be these lines must be put in other place? Regards, ExtJS Layout Window Example.rar UniGUI_Equivalent_To_ExtJS_Layout_Window_Example.rar
  17. Thanks. I'll take a look at this, but hoped to find a way to use it in a UniGUI form. If it helps, I found the following link specific to ExtJS: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?47579-alwaysOnTop-config-option-for-Ext.Window And here, an extension for ExtJS 4: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?163870-Ext.ux.window.AlwaysOnTo
  18. estrify

    Layout Window

    Hi, I am trying set a form like the example shown in ExtJS Layout Window, with the panel collapsing into the left side. Is there a way to achieve this with UniGUI?. Thx
  19. Hi, Is there a way to have an always on top window/form? Thanks in advance.
  20. Please look at http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1479-progressbar-multithreading-demo/ It contains a simple example showing how to do this with UniGUI.
  21. I have not done this yet with UniGUI but I did it with another framwork. This is one way to do this (I suppose that your process is done on server side): use a thread to process the loop in parallel (parallel thread), so that does not block any kind of messages use a timer to refresh (to generate activity on main thread to, i.e. refresh your label) periodically every N seconds You can do your loop inside a thread. Inside it, you can modify any property provided you have in mind that YOU MUST synchronize this action with the main thread. You can use standard TThread and Synchronize mechanism provided in VCL but I prefer the TJvThread of the JVCL component library (http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org/) because you can use the thread as any other component, from the standpoint of the accessing to other components of the form, database connections, etc. as long as you make sure that you use a TCriticalSection to ensure correct concurrency updating any property (inside your execute method of the thread, use .Enter method of TCriticalSection, update the label and other properties and, finally use TCriticalSection.Leave method). Please, be very careful avoiding any access to form or components properties out of a critical section. You have to enable the timer before starting the thread and, ontimer event, you could see if the thread is still active. If not, disable the timer.
  22. It would be great if some of the following features could be added to UniGUI framework: The possibility to assign an image from a TUniImageList to a TUniBitBtn Multiple columns in combobox and listbox The posibility to assign checkbox, radiobutton, hints and links to treeview, listbox and combobox items The posibility to assign images to combobox and listbox items A TUniTIP class to allow more sophisticated tips (with rich content, close button if needed, mouse tracking if needed, loched anchor, etc., as you can see in ExtJS QuickTips example) A component like "Side Navigation Bar": A collection of panels arranged in one column (left or right) or one row (top or bottom) on which you could expand and collapse one of this collection of panels (maybe auto collapsing the panels showing only one expanded panel). The posibility to use a treeview or a listbox as a parameters editor (associating or specifying type of node: combo, edit, spin, radio, check, etc.) Regards,
  23. estrify

    help with mask

    If you are referring to mask keystrokes, go to the properties of UniEdit, choose ClientEvents property and edit ExtEvents. Go to OnBeforerender event and add the mask you need using maskRe property of the ExtJS's TextField component. Here is an example for alfa keystrokes only: function OnBeforerender(sender) { sender.maskRe=/^[a-zA-Z]{0,}$/ }
  24. Although it may seem incredible, but not always have the luck to choose how to do some things
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