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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hello Mike, Please use below code. procedure TUnimForm1.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UnimFileUploadButton1, JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#'+JSId+' .x-inner-el{ '+ ' background-color: #f5e971; '+ ' border-color: #055af7; '+ ' border-radius: 25px; '+ ' border-width: bold; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-text-el{ '+ ' color: #525452; '+ ' font-weight: #525452; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-label-el{ '+ ' display: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-input-el{ '+ ' display: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-input-wrap-el{ '+ ' border: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-after-input-el{ '+ ' width: 100%; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-filetrigger{ '+ ' width: 95%; '+ ' margin-left: 1em; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-button-action{ '+ ' width: 100%; '+ '}' ]); end; end; procedure TUnimForm1.UnimFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UnimForm1.UnimFileUploadButton1, JSInterface do begin JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").innerText', ['New media']); end; end;
  2. Hi Can you make a simple test case so I can work on it
  3. Hello Mike you can use the below code JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").style.color', ['blue']);
  4. Hello Mike Please add below lines to your code. with UnimFileUploadButton1, JSInterface do begin JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-label-el").style.display', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-input-el").style.display', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-input-wrap-el").style.border', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-after-input-el").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector("#ext-field-trigger-file-1").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector("#ext-filebutton-1").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").innerText', ['Take a Picture']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-inner-el").style.backgroundColor', ['red']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-inner-el").style.borderColor', ['red']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-inner-el").style.borderRadius', ['25px']); end;
  5. Hello Can you explain what is the purpose of this? Hyperserver will restart unigui app if there is a timeout
  6. Hello Can you make a simple test case so I can work on it
  7. Hello We will publish Q2-2022 roadmap tomorrow We will open a poll for Q3 2022 so we can create new roadmap based on customer requests We will share full source code for all units in the CORE folder (UniGUIForm, UniGUIFrame, UniMainModule etc.) It means that we will share full source code for all units that are used to compile your uniGUI app
  8. Hello, I wonder which bugs that you are waiting on? Please post about bugs and features which are you waiting for that are blocking your business. Please make a list of those bugs which are blocking your projects so So we can give them the highest priority.
  9. We recently published a build. Currently we are actively working on websockets. If everything go well we will publish it in the next build but if something urgent come to table, we may defer it one build.
  10. You can not interact with client without getting a request from the client. To solve this we are implementing websockets. We will publish it in the next or the other build.
  11. Hello Please use below css .x-grid-td { line-height: normal; }
  12. Hello Can you please create a test case?
  13. Are you using formatted input text in your project?
  14. Hello you can set ServerModule -> Options -> soDontLoadJQueryLib := True and add latest jquery file to CustomFiles.
  15. After getting connected with you, the solution was putting postappmessage script into Login form as you have a login form.
  16. Hello Please install the recommended items with B4A Sdk Manager.
  17. Merhaba B4A klasoru icindeki uygulamayi acin, eger kutuphane hatasi verirse Libraries kismindaki dosyalari internal library bolumune kopyalayin. Gerekli parametreleri degistirip uygulamayi derlediginizde apk olucak. 1- Make sure hello world app works. 2- Add missing libraries that I provided to Internal libraries folder. 3- Build B4A app and you will get an apk. Before building make sure you changed to parameters.
  18. Hello In the source code please compile B4A project with changing the parameters. It will give you an apk
  19. Hi, Did you install UniMobileX android app to your android device? Can you see the website in your android app? (Delphi Demo app)
  20. Hello This one is the enhanced version of it. You can change the Icon and you have source code now.
  21. UniMobileX is a middle man between UniGUI and Android - IOS operating systems. Supported Features: (Last Updated : 2 March 2022) DeviceID Keep Screen Awake Access Camera Read Barcode and QRCode Request Biometric Authentication (Fingerprint, FaceID, TouchID) Handle Back Button (Android) ANDROID: I'm using B4A. It is free. Please download it from below link and make sure you can run Hello World app. https://www.b4x.com/b4a.html IOS: I'm using B4I. Unfortunately it is not free. B4i is a development tool for native iOS applications. If you want to develop IOS apps, please buy it from below link and make sure you can run Hello World app. https://www.b4x.com/b4i.html DELPHI: UniMobileX component is a middle man component which is communicating with Android and IOS apps. Please Install it and make sure you can run Demo app. Parameters: Please change below parameters in B4XMainPage. Dim kvsEncyptPassword As String = "ChangeMe" Dim WebsiteLink As String = "" Please download from below link. UniMobileX.zip
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