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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hello Please match your painted event with beforeinit event.
  2. You can use NewCacheFile instead of NewCacheFileURL.
  3. You can't change the type of the store after it rendered. Why do you want to switch it in runtime?
  4. Buffered store only implemented for TUnimDBGrid. UnimDBListGrid doesn't have bufferedstore property.
  5. Hello Which one do you want us to implement? Colorbutton, colorfield or color selector? Colorbutton https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/modern/Ext.ux.colorpick.Button.html colorfield https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/modern/Ext.ux.colorpick.Field.html color selector https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/modern/Ext.ux.colorpick.Selector.html
  6. Hello You can use LocalStorage instead of cookie. "Web storage is per origin (per domain and protocol). All pages, from one origin, can store and access the same data."
  7. Hello Unigui natively support mobile webcam. Add a UnimFileUploadButton to form and set capture to camera. Also you can use below trick.
  8. Hello, Can you please attach a test case so we can work on it
  9. Hello, Why you are setting parent of UniFrame to UniHTMLFrame?
  10. Hello Can you please create a test case?
  11. Hello Please use below code. (Please use children instead of rows and rows is deprecated) PRO TIP : add {[console.log(values)]} into groupHeaderTpl to see the values in the console. function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.groupingFeature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping', { groupHeaderTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{[this.getGroupTitle(values.rows[0]]}', { getGroupTitle: function (values) { if (values.data[0] == '') return 'Alle 8D Änderungsreporte ohne Gruppenzuordnung'; else return 'Gruppenname: <b>' + (values.data[0]).replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%.":*?<>{}]/g, ""); '</b>'; } }) }); config.features = [config.groupingFeature]; var groupingFeature = Ext.create('Ext.grid.feature.Grouping', { groupHeaderTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('{columnName}: {name} - 1st CountryName: {[values.children.at(0).get(4)]} - TotalCount: ({[this.countTotal(values.children)]})', '', { countTotal: function (records) { var totalSum = 0; totalSum = records.length; return totalSum; } }), hideGroupedHeader: true }); config.features = [groupingFeature] }
  12. Hello For now please use below workaround. UniChart.pas Line 1819 1 : begin if VarIsNull(ValuesList[1].Value[I]) then Result[I] := 'null' else begin fVal := ValuesList[1].Value[I]; Val := fVal2Float(fVal); Result[I] := Val; end; end; and you can add null values like below Series1.Add(null, '2000')
  13. Hayri ASLAN


    Hello Please check the below code. UniLabel3.Caption:= '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick="ajaxRequest('+UniLabel3.JSName+', ''_test'');">Success</button>';
  14. Hello You can call Showmask and synchronize to show screen mask. Please check "SyncClientUpdate - 4 - ShowMask" demo
  15. Hello Please try below solution procedure TMainForm.uniDBPivotGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin //Sample Response // Aparams['leftAxis'].asstring , Aparams['aggregate'].asstring, Aparams['topAxis'].asstring //leftAxis=SaleMonth //aggregate=ItemsTotal //topAxis=Customer,ShipVIA end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with uniDBPivotGrid1, JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('configchange', JSFunction('m,c',' ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "configchange", '+ ' {leftAxis: Array.prototype.map.call(c.leftAxis, function(item) { return item.header; }).join(","), '+ ' aggregate: Array.prototype.map.call(c.aggregate, function(item) { return item.header; }).join(","), '+ ' topAxis: Array.prototype.map.call(c.topAxis, function(item) { return item.header; }).join(",")})')) end; end;
  16. Hello We are currently working on Mode 3. We will publish it soon.
  17. Merhaba Latin-1 karakter setini mi kullaniyorsunuz?
  18. Hello With below code you can change the apperance of the unimfileuploadbutton. BEFORE: AFTER: procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UnimFileUploadButton1, JSInterface do begin JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-label-el").style.display', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-input-el").style.display', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-input-wrap-el").style.border', ['none']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-after-input-el").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector("#ext-field-trigger-file-1").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector("#ext-filebutton-1").style.width', ['100%']); JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").innerText', ['Take a Picture']); end; end;
  19. Hi, TabBarVisible is a property of tabsheet and value can be True or False.
  20. Hello I don't think it is possible in PivotGrid.
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