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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Merhaba Yaptiginiz ornek uygulayi atar misin nerede hata yaptiginiza bakalim
  2. Hello You can use the below code. UniSession.AddJS('$(".leaflet-control-layers-selector")[4].click()');
  3. Hello http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?silent-installation-of-runtime.htm or http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?unigui-runtime-package.htm
  4. Hello Are you using OnFieldImage event or OnFieldImageURL event?
  5. Can you replace below code in uniwebcam.pas, line 140 UniSession.AddJS('navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }).then(function(stream) {'+ 'if (typeof navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices != "undefined") { '+ ' navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() '+ ' .then(function(devices) { '+ ' var cameras = devices.filter(function(device) { '+ ' return device.kind === "videoinput"; '+ ' }); '+ ' var uniguiCameras = {}; '+ ' uniguiCameras.count = cameras.length; '+ ' cameras.forEach(function(camera, i) { '+ ' uniguiCameras["label" + i] = camera.label; '+ ' uniguiCameras["deviceId" + i] = camera.deviceId; '+ ' }); '+ ' ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "cameras", uniguiCameras); '+ ' }); '+ ' } }))');
  6. Hello Emin Please add webcam.js into files folder https://destek.mpsyazilim.com/webcam/files/webcam.js
  7. Hello http://unigui.com/resources/online-documentation/developer-manual
  8. I checked it again. Are you calling grid.refresh after setting the range?
  9. Hello Which build are you using? We already fixed this.
  10. Hello What is the purpose of using different content-length? What are you trying to achieve?
  11. Hello Can you create a test case? Which dataset are you using?
  12. Hello IIS has a limit for the size of the files users can upload to an application. If the file size exceeds the limit, the application will throw “Error in HTTP request, received HTTP status 413 (Request Entity Too Large)” error. Please check below solution https://port135.com/http-status-413-request-entity-too-large/
  13. Hello We fixed this issue in build 1560. Our demo was still running on 1559 and we updated it now. Unfortunately we can not guess which demo are you getting the error unless you give us clear direction. Thank you for trying UniGUI.
  14. Merhaba Hangi versiyonu ve sürümü kullanıyorsunuz?
  15. Hello Which version and build are you using?
  16. Hello You can use below code. JSCode('const provider = new window.GeoSearch.GoogleProvider({params: {key: "apikey"}});');
  17. Merhaba Bu işin en kolay yolu yazıcı için bir servis yazmak Client yazdırmak istediğinde veritabanına bir kayıt ekler. Yazıcı servisi de belirli aralıklarda tabloyu kontol eder ve yazdırma işlemini gerçekleştirir
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