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Everything posted by biloia

  1. biloia


    I did the installation as instructed on the website. installation everything worked. more time that I try to run any project this message appears. my windows 8
  2. biloia


    Good morning everyone!! I am trying to install unigui in delphi x3 over this appearing this error messag
  3. Boa tarde a Todos !!! estou tentando instalar o Unigui no Delphi X3, ate ai tudo bem mais na hora de compilar o projeto aparece esta mensagem de erro: Alguém poderia me ajudar ???
  4. Bom dia !!!! Alguém poderia me dar uma dica de como fazer consulta, simples e mestre detalhe
  5. good afternoon I'm sending over the sources of the database application, if you can somebody help me, this application being made in delphi 2010 and the database and firebird 2.5 reciboweb.rar
  6. Yes I am using this example I made the application in Delphi 2010 and Firebird 2.5 database and the same error keeps popping up I apologize for both errors of English, I am Brazilian and my English and terrible
  7. How so? place where these files
  8. Zilav I had done so ServerModule.CustomFiles js / jquery.min.js js/jquery.maskedinput-1.3.min.js js / jquery.numberMask.js longer works locally on the server that message appears
  9. good day and a small application receipt in this application I use masks for numeric fields and also to date. I used an example right here in the forum, but when I run the system give this error
  10. good day !!! I did what you told me over a message has any clue how to solve this
  11. Good morning to all what are the files I need to bring the system to work on another computer over the web ??
  12. biloia

    help with mask

    Good morning! In Delphi I use this routine to make an edit to the same bank ATMs. TForm1.Edit1KeyPress procedure (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if not (Key in ['0 '.. '9', # 8, # 9]) then key: = # 0; / / Function to position the cursor always on the right Edit1.SelStart: Length = (Edit1.Text); end; then the change type well var s: string; v: double; I: integer; begin / / Step 1: If the edit is empty, nothing can be done. If (= Edit1.Text emptystr) then Edit1.Text: = '0, 00 '; / / Step 2: get the text edit WITHOUT a comma and WITHOUT the decimal point: s: =''; for I: length = 1 to (Edit1.Text) of if (Edit1.Text in ['0 '.. '9']) then s: = s + Edit1.Text ; / / Step 3: make edit the contents of the present two decimal places: v: = strtofloat (s); v: = (v / 100) / / to create two decimal places / / Step 4: Format of the value (V) for accepting values ​​of the type 0.10. Edit1.Text: FormatFloat = ('# # #, # # 0.00', v); edit1.SelStart: = 0; end; is how to do this uniedit???
  13. biloia

    help with mask

    Thanks for the help
  14. biloia

    help with mask

    how to put a mask on the field or numeric Uniedit unidbedit ?
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