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Posts posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. On 7/16/2022 at 2:28 PM, Sherzod said:
    procedure TFormTeste.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    var I: Integer;
      for I := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do
        if Self.Components[I].ClassType = TUniEdit then
          with TUniEdit(Self.Components[I]) do
            if ClearButton then
              JSInterface.JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(cmp){cmp.getTrigger("clear").hide()}'); //<--------
              JSInterface.JSAddListener('focus', 'function(cmp){if (cmp.getValue()!="") cmp.getTrigger("clear").show()}');
              JSInterface.JSAddListener('blur', 'function(cmp){cmp.getTrigger("clear").hide()}');


    it worked thank you very much!

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    ClearButton = True ?

    Yes, When I open the form it looks like this, and after I focus on the edits it disappears with the X 



  3. 2 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    One possible solution:

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      with UniEdit1 do
      if ClearButton then
        JSInterface.JSAddListener('focus', 'function(cmp){if (cmp.getValue()!="") cmp.getTrigger("clear").show()}');
        JSInterface.JSAddListener('blur', 'function(cmp){cmp.getTrigger("clear").hide()}');


    Where do I put this code? I put it in onCreate but it didn't work

  4. I have this code in my UniFrameCreate

             SearchPaFilters.JSName +'.setVisible(!'+ SearchPaFilters.JSName +'.isVisible())'+

    and I would like when I click the F2 key to execute this code, there is a way to do this BtnFiltro.Click; ?

  5. On 29/11/2021 at 14:06, Wilton Ergon said:

    não há como criar tal caso de teste, como já explicado, a função é chamada milhares de vezes ao dia, e aleatoriamente em alguns casos, essa mensagem é exibida, de formas totalmente diferentes, ao encerrar a sessão e tentar o formulário novamente já e aberto sem problemas, se eu soubesse o que causa esse erro, poderia tentar encontrar outra coisa no sistema que pudesse gerar o erro.

    I have the same problem

  6. 3 hours ago, Wilton Ergon said:

    em algumas telas de uso intenso, simplesmente abandonei o uso do grid, crio listas em html puro, onde o resultado visual é bem mais bonito, mais rápido, e não dá todos esses problemas, podemos nos contentar com o que ter..

    If you can give me an example, I'd appreciate it, when you have the native option to mark the record, that's where the error happens

  7. I'm using a TUniSpinEdit and I'd like to block typing if the typed value is greater than that informed in the MaxValue property, the component lets me type a larger value and it turns red, and the user sometimes doesn't see it. I would like to block or show a message if this happens. Thanks!!

    Sem título.png

  8. 2 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    Você está seguindo as instruções?


    I've been working with this for years and all of a sudden it stopped working, I just put Hypersever to work and these errors show up for me


    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:00:44 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------<
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:00:44 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init.
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:00:44 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\novo\
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:00:44 [TUniHyperServer]:InitInterceptor
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:00:45 [Transport.PoolSize]:516
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:02:19 [TUniHyperNode.Terminate]:Node #0 forcefully terminated.
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:02:19 [PostInit]:Failed to initialize node: 0
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:02:19 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8081...
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 00001D0C: 12:02:19 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8081
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 000016E8: 12:02:28 [TUniHyperNode.Terminate]:Node #1 forcefully terminated.
    sigefweb_hyper_server.exe: 000016E8: 12:02:29 [TUniHyperNodeManagerWorker]:Failed to initialize node: 1

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