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Posts posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. 18 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    Seu caso não está claro para mim. Talvez este post te ajude um pouco.


    I wanted to draw on an image, like this one in the picture above that I placed. Did you get it?
    In this example you sent, you can't draw on the image.

  2. 5 hours ago, Sherzod said:


    Só uma pergunta. A escala não é usada?

    I didn't understand your question, but this is just to show the customer where the block is that he will buy the land. It doesn't have to be anything very precise.

  3. I would like to select some parts of an image and be able to link them to my database. Imagine a plan of a condominium, I want to mark the points of a block and link it to my record of blocks, when I open the image again it will already be selected, is there this possibility?

    See that in the image I selected some courts and put letters just to show an example.

    Sem título.jpg


  4. 1 hour ago, sicoobcooplivre said:


    Por favor preciso de ajuda:

    Estou usando o hyperserver, e notei que o diretório onde ficam os arquivos de log está ficando grande com o tempo!

    Seria uma boa prática excluir os arquivos após um determinado período de tempo? Existe alguma configuração no unigui para que esses logs sejam apagados periodicamente?

    Obrigado pela sua atenção!

    It was good to have this already native in unigui as well as the cache folder

  5. 16 hours ago, Tokay said:

    Este é um problema da biblioteca Delphi JPEG . Poderia ser consertado com a substituição. Nós o substituímos há alguns anos pela biblioteca JPG nativa .

    Sorry, but I didn't understand how to solve this problem, do you have a new unit where you add it in delphi?

  6. I still can't delete the files, could someone help me?

    The routine when it gets here in this part of the code
    (rDirInfo.Attr and faDirectory <> faDirectory) then
    appears like this rDirInfo.Attr = 2064 this appears in the folders

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