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Everything posted by eduardosuruagy

  1. I made a calendar using StringGrdi and I logged in a table from my database a few holidays, I would like to give a select on my table and on the respective dates I put a hint with the holiday description. As it is in the attached image, the cells in red are holidays, when I hover the mouse over it I wanted it to show the name of the holiday!
  2. How do I know if I have more than one active section? I am using hyperserver and would like to execute a comnode only when it has no open section.
  3. What is the difference between LocalStorage and Cookies?
  4. It's almost what I wanted, in fact I created a calendar with the StringGrid and I would like it on some dates when I hover over it to show the description of what is registered in the database, such as a birthday or a holiday. This information who registers is the user.
  5. Is there another event that I can get around this situation?
  6. How can I get a hint in the cells of the stringgrid? If the cell has a certain value I can put a different hint.
  7. I click on the column and change the value to 1, if the value is already in 1 I put it to 2 and the colors have to change according to the value, but if I click once on the column it changes the value and if I click again in the same column the value remains the same. The unigui does not recognize the second click on the same column, I have to click on another column so that I can click on the other column again. StringGrid Demo - Copia.rar
  8. I just installed the latest version, I'm going to do a test here and I'll send it okay !!
  9. I am facing problematic with the onDrwaCell event of UniStrigGrid. This event is only triggered once when the StringGrid is mounted. After even manipulating the values of the grid this event does not fire any more. What is the solution to this?
  10. Hi herculanojs, Did you manage to find a solution to this issue?
  11. I want to click on a >> button and jump to the next column on the right and when I click on the << jump to the left column. I was able to do using this form here: type TMyUniDBGrid = class (TUniDBGrid) end; with TMyUniDBGrid (dbgrid_my) from begin CurrCol: = TMyUniDBGrid (dbgrid_my) .CrrCol + 1; end; The problem is when you have a scrool on the grid, it does not follow the next column. I wanted the scrool on the grid to be both to the right and to the left.
  12. I was able to do that way you showed here, now how do I change the caption of the column clicked?
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