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Everything posted by Dimitri

  1. Hi, Is it possible to disable the auto focus when the mouse over a column.filtering.editor ? Thx
  2. It works ! Thanks. function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { var grid = sender; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (columns[i].getEditor()) { columns[i].getEditor().on('specialkey', function(field, e) { if (e.getKey() == 13) { ajaxRequest(grid, "BeforeCellKeyDown", ["keycode=13"], false); return e.keyCode; } }) } } }
  3. Ok, thanks for your answer. I would like to know when the user presses the Return key to exit the cell edition. Is there any way to know that?
  4. I use the BeforeCellKeydown event in ClientEvents.Ext Events : beforecellkeydown=function beforecellkeydown(sender, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts) { var key = e.getKey(); ajaxRequest(this, "BeforeCellKeyDown", ["keycode="+key], false); return true; } Then on the UniDBGRid1.OnAjaxEvent : procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var lKey: Integer; begin if EventName = 'BeforeCellKeyDown' then begin lKey := Params['keycode'].AsInteger; UniMemo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(lKey)); end; end; When you are editing a cell, the key pressed is displayed in the memo to the right of the grid. For example, if I press the "A" key, the number 65 is displayed in the memo. If I press the "Tab" key, the number 9 is displayed in the memo. But I can't display the number of the "Return" key in the memo. It also doesn't work with the "Escape" key.
  5. Hi, How can we catch the Return Key or the Escape Key with the BeforeCellKeyDown event in a FDBGrid ? Thank you Attached to this message is a simple testcase. UniGUI: EnterKeyDown_ToSend.rar
  6. Hi, I emulate with uniGUI a Desktop system, using a UniGUIForm which is always maximized and accepting other forms inside This desktop form is borderless and always resized to stay maximized on screen, and a button will create a new form inside of it If this 2nd " folder " form is maximized, upon resizing the browser, the form will resize itself, but there will be a gap of one action. That is to say, if I size down the browser, the folder form will not change, this time ; but when I resize it up, it will take the size he should have taken with the previous action What should I do in order to make the folder form resize itself without that resize action delay ? I have made a little project to show the problem in action Thank you UniGUI version : Windows.zip
  7. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Ah Thanks. Is it necessary to add Keys to all Forms with MDI Forms ?
  8. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Hi Sherzod. Did you check it ? Thanks.
  9. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Yes I already watched it. If I configure the testcase as the MonitoredKey sample it still doesn't work. You can find attached a second version of the testcase. Thanks. DemoFunctionKeys.rar
  10. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Hi Sherzod. Did you find something ? Thanks.
  11. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Here it is. However, the problem seems to be always present in the testcase, but intermittent in my project. DemoFunctionKeys.rar
  12. Hi, can you provide the sample project please ?
  13. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    There is a form in the main form. On the active form with the grid, yes it's set to true. On the main form who contains the previous one, it's set to false.
  14. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Yes I have. I can see two differences with my project. I'm using the KeyDown grid event, not the form one. And the MonitoredKeys.KeyHandleAll set to False.
  15. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Hello, I'm using a Professional Edition.
  16. Dimitri

    TUniGrid focus

    Hi, I use the function keys (F3 for example) to open modal form with the OnKeyDown event of a grid. After closing this modal form I focus the grid to get back. UniSession.AddJS (FDbGrid.JSName + '. Focus ();'); Then F3 key no longer opens a modal form but opens my browser search. How to correctly force the focus on a TUniGrid component? Thank you UniGUI:
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