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Everything posted by grupodatasoft

  1. You have a component tu use google maps and openstreetmaps by tiles server (TileLayerUrl := 'http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&hl=en&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}';)?
  2. Hi, this works great, it's amazing, thank you !!! Just one question: is there a way to automatically save the file to a specific path on the server without user intervention?
  3. Hello, please, helpme whit a demo of capture screenshot of tunipanel or some uni control. Tks
  4. Thanks, the problem are on the png library.
  5. Hi, i do install the last beta version of Unigui, all rigth, so, the TUniImageList not support PNG images, only BMP and ICO images, the prior version of UniGui not have the TUniImageList component, i use the conventional TImagelist, and all rigth, now with the new version of UniGui, the buttons nos accepted images from TImagelist, only accept from TUniImaleList but this componentet do not support PNG images. What i do?
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