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Everything posted by zhyhero

  1. function beforeedit(editor, context, eOpts) { context.colIdx;// this can get column index context.field;// this can get column field index ????? //howtoget column fieldname ajaxRequest(this,"GetFieldName",["FieldName="+?????]); }
  2. Yes ,use urlframe ,and it show and print pdf file depend on webbrowser's pdf viewer.
  3. This knock down me too, After some tests ,I use urlframe to show and print my pdf file.
  4. Thx ,i will try another way.
  5. UniDBGridCheckBox.zip 1.when click a datacell(row) , last selected state lost. 2.when switch page,last selected state lost.
  6. Columns are created dynamically. When one column.readonly set to true ,all other columns both readonly too . col := self.UniDBGrid1.Columns.Add; col.FieldName := 'Name'; col.Width := 120; col.ReadOnly := true; col.Title.Caption := 'Name'; UniDBGridTest1.zip
  7. just an idea. 1.get you app's PID 2 find same exename process's PIDs 3 kill PIDs all.......
  8. Thanks Sherzod ,I will try this on next morning (my time zone).
  9. Ticket opened. http://jira.fmsoft.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/FSD-2221
  10. uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\GridCellStyle
  11. As the gif showed, unicombobox do not draw fontawesone icon in text area. How to draw or show it ? (the testcase use fontawesone4.7.) FontAwesome47.zip
  12. you need create form procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var x: TUniform1; begin x := TUniform1.Create(Uniapplication); x.Parent := self.UniTabSheet2; x.Show; end;
  13. frm.parent:=atabsheet
  14. 10.4 removed ARC ,this may means a lot of codes need to check.......
  15. About call subform, I create it dynamically and show it with callback procedure mainform openbutton event fsubform:=Tsubform.create(uniapplication); fsubform.show(callback); // or showmodal(callback) you need a callback procedure in mainform like procedure mainform.callback(sender:Tcomponent;aResult:integer); begin if aResult=mrYes then {do something}; //if sender is TSubform then TSubform(sender).something; end; in subform ,you can close subform with code modalresult:=mrYes; {or mrNo,mrCancel ..} the execute process is: mainform.buttonclick--->subform.create----->subform.show(callback)---->subform.someevent------>subform.modalresult(maybe write in buttonclick)----->mainform.callback And no need to enable or disable mainform buttons in subform,do this with callback. I hope this will help you.
  16. define an unique frame.name for you every single frame ,something like TunivehicleMain_1,TunivehicleMain_2, make every singgle frame's name diffrent and unique.
  17. single month in one row , and date click event.
  18. Try ajaxRequest. UniCombobox -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> beforeselect : function beforeselect(combo, record, index, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(combo,'bselect',['index='+index]); } UniCombobox -> OnAjaxEvent : procedure TMainForm.UniComboBoxAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if SameText(EventName,'bselect') then begin self.ShowToast(Params.Values['index']); end; end;
  19. thank you, Sherzod . I will try this .
  20. I am testing something in scene of dynamic create Frame/Form . As a rule, in one From or Form , we can call jscode ajaxRequest(sender,"method",[{Params}] ); , and respond to delphi procedure AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); . sender ==> Ext.getCmp("id"), id ==> sender.id (jscode) . id of Frame ==> frame.FormRegion.JsId; (pascalcode) . if we pass id of target Frame to source Form , then we can call target frame's method by begin self.unisession.addjs('ajaxRequest(Ext.getCmp("id"),"Method",[{params}])'); end; in source Form . same thing with Frame and Frame. id of Form ,I can't get , (but we have form.show(callbackproc) and form.showmodal(callbackproc) ). So, how to get the JsId of a UniForm ?
  21. probably proxy_redirect off;
  22. rowexpand aframe:=taframe. create(container); aframe. x:=2019; aframe. aprocedure(2019); rowcontrol:=aframe;
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