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  1. Hello, thank you for the information you provided. But the problem is not related to google chart because UnimURLFrame refresh the page even though I try this with a normal html. Whatever the first loaded html is, it shows them on the UnimURLFrame web page, not the updated codes in the html. whereas, when I look at the UnimURLFrame->Html source code, I can see that the strings are updated but the UnimURLFrame page is not. I added <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> but it didn't change, the problem persisted. void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimLabel1Click(TObject *Sender) { URLFrameToday->HTML->Clear(); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<!DOCTYPE html>"); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<html>"); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<head> "); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add(" <title>1.Header </title></head><body><h1>111111</h1><p>This is 1.page</p></body></html>"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimLabel2Click(TObject *Sender) { URLFrameToday->HTML->Clear(); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<!DOCTYPE html>"); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<html>"); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add("<head> "); URLFrameToday->HTML->Add(" <title>2.Header </title></head><body><h1> 222 222</h1><p>This is 2.page</p></body></html>"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I click on UnimLabel1Click , the 1st header appears on the web page UnimLabel2Click ' If I click on it, the 1st header appears again, it is not refreshed on the web page. that is, the 2nd header should be on the normal page, but the 1st header is visible. like cache issue
  2. Hello, I have 3 buttons. I want UnimURLFrame to show a separate google chart when I press each one. but this is not possible. UnimURLFrame shows the first chart and remains the same for all buttons. It is not reload. I guess UnimURLFrame doesn't support refreshing html codes. I used UnimHTMLFrame instead of UnimURLFrame to solve this problem. There is no problem in this, the HTML Strings are refreshed on each button. But when I press the first button, the HTML codes are missing but when I press it for the second time, it appears.HTML strings is refresh what should I do
  3. hi I am using C++ builder. In the mobile application, I want to enter a decimal number in the UnimEdit field and store it in float type. Unfortunately, this is not possible with the number inputType. When I searched the form, I saw such a solution. but I can't get C++ builder to accept it either.I need help thaks UnimSearchEdit->JSInterface->JSConfig((UnicodeString)L"decimals", (UnicodeString)L"2"); UnimSearchEdit->JSInterface->JSConfig((UnicodeString)L"inputType", (UnicodeString)L"decimal" ); decimal is not defined UnimSearchEdit->JSInterface->JSConfig((UnicodeString)L"inputType", (UnicodeString)L"any" ); any is not defined
  4. void __fastcall TMainForm::UniDBGrid1CellClick(TUniDBGridColumn *Column) { UniSession->AddJS(UniPanel->JSName + ".animate({ duration: 500, to: { x: 0, y: " + IntToStr(UniSession->UniApplication->ScreenHeight - (UniSession->UniApplication->ScreenHeight / 3)) + ", opacity: 100}});"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Clicking on a row on the unidbgrid here has a uniPanel that opens from the bottom up. void __fastcall TMainForm::BtnCancelPurpleClick(TObject *Sender) { UniSession->AddJS(UniPanel->JSName + ".animate({ duration: 1000, to: { x: 0, y: 2500, opacity: 100}});"); } When I press cancel, this UniPanel disappears from top to bottom. I want to do the same in mobile form but unimPanel doesn't support it
  5. animate unimpanel which works for unipanel doesn't work either. I want to make a mobile unimpanel that opens from right to left and closes from left to right. I can do this on desktop with a in unipanel, but not on mobile. UnimPanel1->ClientEvents->UniEvents->Values["beforeInit"] = "function (sender, config) {duration: 1000, to: { x: -550, y:0, opacity: 100}; }"; I make animation with it, but I can't do anything to close it, that is, to destroy it from left to right. visible does not happen with false. what should I do .
  6. hi,

    Can you send me how you made the unigui example with the quaggaJS you use for the barcode scanner.

  7. Hi

    I read the forms but I could not understand. I couldn't do it. I thought it would be appropriate to ask you.
    I need your help.

    How can I print barcode number by scanning barcode on mobile phone camera into UnimEdit1.



    1. Show previous comments  88 more
    2. musti


      I thought your build would be purchased as a general component. That's why I wrote it as above.
      So yes, I did. is currently active.

      I said before, I don't have much time, it's been a long time since June 20th. I had to work myself because I had to, and I did it. it is working flawlessly now.


      but you always do the most professional and beautiful.

    3. Sherzod



      Congratulations, have a nice coding!

    4. musti


      In quagga tests,

      it misses barcodes and sometimes reads incompletely.

      now i try Html5QrcodeScanner

  8. UniGUI Professional versiyon : ServerModule altındaki SuppressErrors her iki alanıda true yaparak bu sorunu çözdüm. Ama bunun neden kaynaklandığını anlamadım. Ayrıca servermodule deki bu alanları true yapmanın bir zararı olurmu bilmiyorum. teşekkür ederim.
  9. Merhaba, UniDBGrid FDMemtable ile bağlı. FDMemtable bir veri ekleme yaptığım zaman AJAX Error hatası alıyorum. grid içinde doğru verileri gösteriyor ama hata veriyor. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getVisibleGridColumns') cgds_(O118,true);OA2.stateValue="50F642030100000000000000";_gsc_(O123,1,0); Eğer UniDBGrid deki ExtEvent içinde <function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts) { var tpl= new Ext.XTemplate( > ile başlayan alanı siler ve normal grid kolonlarını kullanırsa bu hatayı vermiyor normal çalışıyor. Nasıl bir yol takip etmem lazım Teşekkür ederim
  10. musti

    C++ builder

    merhaba, kurulum talimat icin gerekli pdf indirilmiyor dosya bulunamadı veya sorunlu diyor. internetten araştırdığımda C++ builder kullanıyoruz, delphi için anlatılmış bizde delphi yok. lütfen yardımcı olurmusunuz
  11. musti

    C++ builder

    Merhaba, C++ builder icin çalıştıramadım. Örnek bir kurulum paylaşabilirmisiniz.
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