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Everything posted by VVR

  1. Hi everyone, Here's the problem: The OnChange Event of TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit and TUniDBDateTimePicker is fired when you enter the control with a "TAB" or press "Shift", "Fxx", etc. while in the control itself. Is this a bug? This is a real problem for me because I have a linked TClientDataset that changes to dsEdit state, even tho nothing has changed (the value is still the same) and I don't want this to happen. Thanks for your help
  2. PS: I know I could just remove the "false" parameter from ajaxRequest() but this doesn't work 100% of the time (I tried with grid operations like deleting a record from a button). If the user clicks two times super-fast some problems occurs (code is executed twice but UI is not refreshed etc.)
  3. Hello (mterceno co-worker here ;-) ) It seems that adding the "false" parameter to the ajaxRequest method ensure that the code in OnAjaxEvent() is executed before any other client-side request. But the problem is that all CS requests made during the process (mouse clics, keyboard inputs, ... queued I guess) are still executed after the OnAjaxEvent() code is done. How could we stop the UI from catching all events during OnAjaxEvent() execution? I tried this approach (using a mask) to no avail (simple test with a button click): JS: function click(sender, e, eOpts) { MainForm.form.showMask(); ajaxRequest(sender, 'myclickevent', [], false); } Delphi: procedure TPurchaseEntriesFrame.UniButtonTestAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin inherited; if EventName = 'myclickevent' then try UniLabel7.Caption := UniLabel7.Caption + ' myclickevent'; Sleep(1000); finally UniSession.AddJS('MainForm.form.hideMask();'); end; end; For example, if the user clicks on the button again while UniButtonTestAjaxEvent() is performed, the second click event is still catched and fired after. (mask is not shown)
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