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Everything posted by DarkDudae

  1. Hello lema: There is a bug with clusters and markersEx due to recent google maps API changes. Now, the clusters won´t appear and a Ajax error pops: "Cannot read property 'removeChild' of null" You can open your own online demo and click the button: "Marker Clusterer", and then, click the "Add markersEx" and the error will show up. Greetings
  2. I have checked that answer, but unfortunately, the bug is still there. You can see it with any iOS system in the mobile demo: http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/touch/mdemo.dll/m You just go to Miscellaneous - URL Frame - and pick any web. In Android, you can load it perfectly, and scroll the loaded webpage down. However on iOS, you can only see the piece of web that fits on your iOS screen. The same problem occurs if you use an HTMLFrame with an iframe inside. No matter the "scrollable" setting (True or false).
  3. I agree. On the other hand, it would be really helpful being able to upload more than una file. (For instance, selecting multiple images)
  4. Hello Lema: Thanks for your Google Maps components for UniGUI. I have added some new functionalities to the Heatmap: Point weight, dissipating, maxIntensity, changeRadius and changeOpacity. Feel free to use them in future versions of the component. https://ufile.io/oprpz Greetings
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