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Everything posted by 55143681

  1. void __fastcall TUniLoginForm1::UniBitBtn2Click(TObject *Sender) { //登录 UniMainModule()->loginUserNo=UniEdit1->Text; // UniQuery1->Close(); UniQuery1->SQL->Clear(); UniQuery1->SQL->Add("select * from user_info where user_no=:p1"); UniQuery1->ParamByName("p1")->Value=UniMainModule()->loginUserNo; UniQuery1->Open(); if(UniQuery1->RecordCount<1) { ShowMessage("该用户不存在,请先注册用户!"); UniBitBtn1->Click(); return; } // UniQuery1->Close(); UniQuery1->SQL->Clear(); UniQuery1->SQL->Add("select * from user_info where user_no=:p1 and user_pass=:p2"); UniQuery1->ParamByName("p1")->Value=UniMainModule()->loginUserNo; UniQuery1->ParamByName("p2")->Value=AESEncryptStrToHex(UniEdit2->Text.Trim(), UniMainModule()->aesKey, TEncoding::ANSI, TEncoding::UTF8, kb128, UniMainModule()->aesKey, pmZeroPadding, false,rlCRLF, rlCRLF); UniQuery1->Open(); if(UniQuery1->RecordCount<1) { ShowMessage("密码错误!"); UniEdit2->SetFocus(); return; } UniMainModule()->loginUserName=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_name")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserTeam=UniQuery1->FieldByName("team_name")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserPart=UniQuery1->FieldByName("part_name")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserInst=UniQuery1->FieldByName("inst_name")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserTel1=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_tel1")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserTel2=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_tel2")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserStat=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_stat")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserMail=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_mail")->AsString; UniMainModule()->loginUserHead=UniQuery1->FieldByName("user_head")->AsString; //更新登录状态 UniQuery1->Close(); UniQuery1->SQL->Clear(); mySql="update user_info set user_stat='在线' where user_no=:p1"; UniQuery1->SQL->Add(mySql); UniQuery1->ParamByName("p1")->Value=UniMainModule()->loginUserNo; UniQuery1->ExecSQL(); // ModalResult=mrOk; //this->Close(); }

    UniHTMLMemo not firing OnKeyDown

    how to get the key press event,I have know your js,but where to do and how to do something when enter is pressed,for example showMessage("fired");

  3. Seventeen have passed,as a licensed user,I have send mail to your support email, and I have ask you for help so many times about this, but nothing received today, Anyone work on it? when will you give me an answer? ..........
  4. Eighteen days have pass through,when will you resolve the problem?
  5. I use UniHTMLMemo as a chat window, when a message income,I add a line to it, but when there are too many lines, I can't see the last line, How to scroll to the tail of the UniHTMLMemo?
  6. what is your mean I want to do something when i enter ENTER key do you mean that
  7. I find a bug ,In your offical demos,“”C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Touch\DBGrid Editors“,I place a UnimDBDatePicker, and attach it to DataSource1->HireDate, when I change the record ,I foud that the record's date and the UnimDBDatePicker's date are not same,UnimDBDatePicker's date is one month bigger.
  8. Hello everyone,I have make a little mistake,when I set ReadOnly=true,everything is ok.
  9. UniHTMLMemo1->Lines->Add("<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">file_abc</a>"); As above ,I want to click "file_abc " to download "111.txt" , when I click the href,nothing happned。 But,when I click right key,and select “”save as“”,I can download the file, How to download the file just click “”file_abc“”
  10. procedure TUniGridsMultiSelect.CopySelected(ADelete: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin ClientDataSet1.DisableControls; try for I := 0 to UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count - 1 do begin ClientDataSet1.Bookmark := UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows; ClientDataSet2.Append; ClientDataSet2.CopyFields(ClientDataSet1); ClientDataSet2.Post; end; finally if ADelete then UniDBGrid1.SelectedRows.Delete; ClientDataSet1.EnableControls; end; end; What I want is to get a cell's value,but the example show me how to get a record. And another question,I have ask some questions from my email(55143681@qq.com=zhangweihou@qq.com),at this time ,I have nothing return,any body there?
  11. That does't work.I have set the option,Only at the first time ,no line is checked,but when you select one row and delete it ,the row behind it is auto checked.
  12. Dear: My grid have many records,after I check "33" and delete the record,the "44" is auto checked,but I wish nothing is checked after I delete one. And another question,when I check one row ,how to get a field value the row I have checked.thank everyone. after delete row "33",row "44" is checked
  13. I am your licensed user,but I don't know how to open that .
  14. Add the test project files.Please tell me the difference between 1471 and 1480.why the same code in 1471 works well,but throw error and show nothing in 1480. testLogin.zip testShow.zip
  15. testShow.zip testLogin.zip
  16. The same code works well with 1471.
  17. Dear: I have send something to this forum for my trouble,Now I am sure your uniGUI1480 and 1479 have some bugs.the same code run with uniGUI1471 works well. bug1: loginForm In the login button,if the user enter a wrong user,I wish return to the loginFrom to wait the next input,but in the "return",the system throw a memory error. bug2: mainForm In the mainForm,I place a uniEdit and a UniBitBtn,when I click the button,I wish show the text in the UniEdit,but show nothing and the Uniedit is cleared. THE SAME CODE WORKS WELL UNDER 1471,WHY???????????????????????? Please tell me how to resolved the problem.See the project files attached.below. testLogin.zip testShow.zip
  18. see another topic“any wrong with me”,there is an example
  19. Dear: I have send something to this forum for my trouble,Now I am sure your uniGUI1480 and 1479 have some bugs.the same code run with uniGUI1471 works well. bug1: loginForm In the login button,if the user enter a wrong user,I wish return to the loginFrom to wait the next input,but in the "return",the system throw a memory error. bug2: mainForm In the mainForm,I place a uniEdit and a UniBitBtn,when I click the button,I wish show the text in the UniEdit,but show nothing and the Uniedit is cleared. THE SAME CODE WORKS WELL UNDER 1471,WHY???????????????????????? Please tell me how to resolved the problem.
  20. c++builder10.2.3 unigui1480 I create a new simple project "hello world",only place a uniEdit and a uniBitBtn on the main form,when I click the button ,I wish to ShowMessage the text input In uniEdit, But the showMessage show nothing,and the sametime uniEdit1's text is cleared,why???? My old project(lower than 1480) compiled with 1480 can run normally,why a new one created with 1480 can't run normally? test.zip
  21. I need OpenDialog and SaveDialog to operate local files too.
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