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Everything posted by Masteritec

  1. 1. Column A, Column B, Column C, Column D 2. Column D read only is depend on Column A is empty or not. If Column A empty then Column D can't assign value. 3. Customer allow to move Column position.
  2. Hi, I want to check if column is 'Last Name' or 'First Name' in beforeedit like below: But if column change position will get wrong, any solution? Column no change checking is correct: Column changed checking is incorrect: Grid3.zip
  3. Refer below: colIdx 4 is not City, cause i hide few columns. Refer test case Grid2.zip
  4. Only Index, but also can't match with context.colIdx.
  5. Hi, context.colIdx return is not match with Column.ColID when some column is hide. Eg. Column1 - Visible, Column2 - Visible, Column3 - Visible, Column4 - Hide, Column5 - Hide, Column6 - Visible, Column6 - context.colIdx is 3, but Column.ColID is 6. Any solution match with context.colIdx?
  6. Hi, Thanks for reply. If Delphi function return True/False, how to pass back to JS? like below: LockColumn(context.colIdx) return True/False function beforeedit(editor, context, eOpts) { return MainForm.LockColumn(context.colIdx); }
  7. 1. Delphi has LockColumn function to determine column is readonly or not. function TMainForm.LockColumn(ColIdx: Integer): boolean; begin if ColIdx in [1,2] then begin Result:= ClientDataSet1.FieldByName('EmpNo').AsInteger < 20; end; end; 2. UniDBGrid -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> beforeedit to call LockColumn. function beforeedit(editor, context, eOpts) { return MainForm.LockColumn(context.colIdx); } Please refer sample, can't call LockColumn to get lock or not Grid.zip
  8. Hi, If current column 'field a' position is 2 then we can use e.record.get("1"); but if move column 'field a' position to other (like 4 or 5 or etc.) then we how to get it?
  9. Hi, If the column position can be moving then how to get column value when position change?
  10. When Mobile Apps press close button in Main Form, how come always show Login form? Can we show Web session terminated. Restart application? Please advice Test case.zip
  11. How to navigate to other tab sheet for tunimtabpanel got a lot tab sheet. Please advice
  12. @Sherzod Attached is test case source code & Video for you to refer. Above code only ok for first time form show. Refer video First time click Show Cart -> Select 1221 -> Change Value to 5 -> Add to Cart -> ajaxRequest Show Message Correct. Close the Sreen Second time click Show Cart -> Select 1221 -> Screen value no change default to 1 -> Add to Cart -> ajaxRequest Show Message wrong it take back previos value and now whatever value you change it always show 5 only Please help WhatsApp Video 2020-11-06 at 11.43.20 AM.mp4 Unigui_Mobile_Listview2.7z
  13. Please refer my test case Unigui_Mobile_Listview.zip
  14. Current i able to return {0} to AjaxRequest when click Add to Cart Button, Beside that , i also need usert to input quantity using Spin edit, then only click Add to Cart then return to AjaxRequest, I don't know to pass spin edit value to ajax request. Please help
  15. function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.loadingText='Loading...'; config.grouped=false; config.itemTpl= new Ext.XTemplate( '<tr><td><span style="font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;padding-top:4px;padding-left:5px;">{0}</span></td></tr>'+ '<table class="tblstock">'+ '<tr>' + '<td>'+ '<img src={5} width="120" height="120"/>' + '</td>'+ '<td>'+ '<table class="tblStockDescr">' + '<tr><td style="font-size:13px;padding-top:4px;padding-left:5px;line-height:1.2;">{1}{2}</td></tr>'+ '<tr><td style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;color:black;padding-top:4px;padding-left:5px;line-height:0.8;">Balance : {4}</td></tr>'+ '<tr><td style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;color:blue;padding-top:4px;padding-left:5px;line-height:0.8;">MYR 999,999.99</td></tr>'+ '<tr><td><input type="number" id="seqty" value="1" min="1" /></td></tr>' + '<tr><td><input type="button" class="addtocartbutton" value="Add to Cart" data-id="{0}"></td></tr>' + '</table>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</table>' ); } function afterCreate(sender) { Ext.getCmp(sender.id).bodyElement.addListener('click', function(event, target) { if (target.getAttribute('class') === 'addtocartbutton') { var qty = 12; <== How to get back value from spin edit ID seqty? ajaxRequest(sender, "ADDTOCART", ['stockcode='+target.getAttribute('data-id'), 'qty='+qty]); } }, null, { delegate: 'table input' }); }
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