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cbr last won the day on March 23 2020

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  1. Erich, I found this project https://github.com/EtheaDev/Delphi-SAML: I haven't tested it.
  2. Hi Sherzod, i found the same problem using the unidbgrid component with property BufferedStore.Enabled: adding a record I have Ajax Error: c.insert is not a function Do you have some suggestion? regards Cesare Unigui Delphi 10.4.2 Windows 10 BufferedStore.zip
  3. cbr

    rfid reader pda

    Hi cid, a few years ago I used RFID readers with USB connection that emulate keyboard just like BAR Code readers: very easy... If you need a bluetooth as connection, you should use something like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32848645949.html?spm=a2g0o.search0302.0.0.797a6fb9BF8kcO&algo_pvid=76e2e398-866c-42e7-beae-c8489582311a&algo_expid=76e2e398-866c-42e7-beae-c8489582311a-12&btsid=2100bdec16116113563854403e0e74&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ ? regards Cesare
  4. cbr

    MySQL and unigui

    Hi Doug, I follow this steps in my new server with Windows 2012 R2 Server connected with a remote MySQL 5.7 server: 1) using a simple standard VCL app (64 bit), for testing, with a grid that reads a table from the remote MySQL 2) copy in c:\windows\system32 the 2 dll libmysql.dll and vcruntime140.dll (you can find the two dlls in the attached file: keep in mind that they are valid for my specific case...) 3) launch the exe file: it works fine. In my case, was not necessary install the MySQL C Connector and register the dlls. The app works also with the dlls directly in the same folder of the application. If this works, you can try again with the Unigui application. I hope you find it useful, Cesare libmysql.rar
  5. cbr

    MySQL and unigui

    even in my case it was not easy ... could you try this? 1) as suggested by Mehmet, install the 64 bit C++ connector (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/file/?id=494747) 2) copy in C:\Windows\System32 (and register) the 64 bit libmysql.dll that you find in \Program Files\MySQL\MySQL\MySQL Connector C xx\lib 3) leave the property TFDPhysMySQLDriverLink.VendorLib empty Sorry, but I have no chance to test a fresh installation right now, so I'm not sure of the result... best wishes! Cesare
  6. Hi Rafael, the main suggestion is not use the Align property that implements a server side alignment. Instead of that, in MainForm and in every contained panel, set the property AlignmentControl to uniAlignmentClient that uses the powerful client side alignment of ExtJs. You should find many examples in the forum (like http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7848-layout-advanced-tutorial/) and in Clientside Alignment part of demos of your UniGui installation. For your specific question you can check also the Reference Manual in http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/api/LayoutForm.html Regards Cesare
  7. Hi cdev attached you can find a simple example. bye C. panelAlign.7z
  8. Hi cdev Set the tabsheet parent of the panel with: AlignmentControl= 'uniAlignmentClient' Layout = 'vbox' LayoutAttribs.Align = 'center' LayoutAttribs.Pack = 'center' you can see the examples in https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/extjs-build/examples/layout/vbox.html regards Cesare
  9. cbr


    Hi MOSGY a simple example: a) put in the HTMLFrame this code <script> function callServer(elmnt, event) { var HTMLFrame = Ext.getCmp("_HTMLFrame"); var params=[]; switch (elmnt.type) { case "text": params = ["id="+elmnt.id, "val="+elmnt.value, "xevent="+event ]; break; case "button": params = ["id="+elmnt.id, "val="+elmnt.value, "xevent="+event ]; break; case "checkbox": params = ["id="+elmnt.id, "val="+elmnt.value, "checked="+elmnt.checked, "xevent="+event ]; break; }; if (params.length>0) { ajaxRequest(HTMLFrame, 'callserver', params); } } </script> ... <span> <a href="#" style="text-decoration: none; color:white" onclick="callServer(this,'onclick')">3</a></span> b) in MainForm you can write the server side code in OnAjaxEvent procedure TMainForm.HTMLFrameAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var sParam: string; begin if EventName = 'callserver' then begin sParam := Params['id'].AsString; if sParam = 'P' then begin ... end; end; end; best regards
  10. You should use ParentColor property UniCheckBox1.ParentColor := True; regards Cesare
  11. Hi Frances, I suggest not mix the AlignmentControl uniAlignmentClient and uniAlignmentServer. If you use uniAlignmentClient (it is the fastest way) , don't use the Align property but the powerful LayoutConfig properties. Attached I propose some changes to your code, using the first Sherzod suggestion. Regards from Italy, Cesare ServerModule_1.zip
  12. Hi Palf, you should follow the guide in http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/iis_7_0.htm for each domain, coping the dll file of each application in the content directory of the related site. regards
  13. Hi Mierlp, my suggestions: - in frmAccount form, set AlignmentControl to uniAlignmentClient for each panel - UniPanel_Main Layout = fit LayoutAttribs.Align = stretch - add a new panel inside a UniPanel_Main and move inside UniDBEdit_Name and UniLabel_Name - for this panel Layout = 'vbox' LayoutAttribs.Align = center LayoutAttribs.Pack = start LayoutConfig.Flex = 1 - optionally for UniDBEdit_Name and UniLabel_Name add a top margin with LayoutConfig.Padding = '10 0 0 0' see in the attached file the changes. regards Cesare frmAccount.zip
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