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Everything posted by Socrat

  1. Thank you Farshad Mohajeri You mean UniDBgrid ?
  2. شكرا جزيلا خويا Abaksoft In my project, many persons can update database, Can you tel me which one of this compenent should I use : UniDBGrid or UniStringGrid
  3. Yes Thank you I found it in demos.
  4. وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته Thank you Mohamed. Please I am a beginner in UniGui Can you tell me how can I use TUniTreeView By example if you can.
  5. In Delphi it works But in C++Builder I have this erreur message of link32 Please help
  6. Thank you david_navigator I m sure that the first instance of my app is turned off (shutdown) But that not resolve problem Merci Abaksoft Peut-tu m'eclaircire un petit peu Khouya Je travail avec Rad Studio 10.2 Tokyo
  7. Yes I have download this trial version, I work with it uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.10.0 Build 1469 When I create the new projet, It runs the first time But when I try to run it for the second time, it returns this error message : [ilink32 Erreur] Fatal: Impossible d'ouvrir .\Win32\Debug\HelloWorld.exe (code d'erreur 5)
  8. When I create the new projet, It runs the first time But when I try to run it for the second time, it returns this error message : [ilink32 Erreur] Fatal: Impossible d'ouvrir .\Win32\Debug\HelloWorld.exe (code d'erreur 5)
  9. Yes It works I have a problem in Install that i download from internet. I will by full version Thank you very much
  10. Yes I just started using UniGui
  11. Hello, Only Loading... is showen in browser... Rad Studio Tokyo 10.2 FMSoft uniGUI Complete Professional RC What's problem?
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