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Everything posted by picyka

  1. Yes, I use this event, but a lot of things you can't manipulate/test there, like the properties of a component, as I showed above, if there was an event that could do this, it would be fantastic
  2. Suggestion: Today we have a lot of codes used to configure/adjust some component, It would be very useful to be able to configure the component in this event, but there are a lot of things I can't do there. ex: if AComponent is TUniCustomDateTimePicker then begin if AComponent.ClassType = TUniDateTimePicker then TUniDateTimePicker(AComponent).ConfigureFormatDate else if AComponent.ClassType = TUniDBDateTimePicker then begin if TUniDBDateTimePicker(AComponent).Kind = tUniDateTime then TUniDBDateTimePicker(AComponent).ConfigureDBFormatDateTime else TUniDBDateTimePicker(AComponent).ConfigureFormatDate; end; end if TUniDBDateTimePicker(AComponent).Kind = tUniDateTime then This rule doesn't work. This event is very useful, as it avoids having to apply it to each component manually.
  3. Did you resolve this? Is there some hyperserver configuration in the cfg missing (I think)
  4. I ended up forgetting to post the log A2023-10-04 - Copia.log
  5. Regarding this, I still had something in the WS tests in the cfg file, that must be it, later I will bring together IIS
  6. @Farshad Mohajeri XXXXX.exe: 00000FC4: 15:50:55 [PingWSServer]:Exception : TUniHTTPRequest.SendRequest(): Socket Error # 10061 Connection refused. : Addr: $012DD33D I don't know what I did wrongly configure here, but my log is full of it, I don't know if it has anything to do with the error. I'm not using WebSocket
  7. When including a schedule in the OnBeforeActivate event, the UniPageControl OnChage event does not work correctly. UniPC.zip
  8. Would it be possible to file https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js be loaded once to be used on all charts?
  9. I currently have two servers in the same datacenter, one with version 1555 and the other with the latest version, and at least I had never seen this problem, I don't know where unigui has it fault. Do you use IIS?
  10. Do you use cloudFlare? I'm scared of him and I have no clue what the problem is.
  11. I have no opinions, I have no idea what it could be, if you find anything let me know, maybe someone else has an opinion.
  12. Does this error always occur or is it quite random?
  13. Observer that they are different link, the same error. It happened about 3 times, and I have no idea what it could be.
  14. I had this same problem recently, I don't know where the error is, even in the same datacenter as yours. I did a winmtr, I had 0% packet loss you can try to give one ipconfig /flushdns see if it resolves
  15. If you want there is also Component: TUniTagField Property FieldLabelAlign,FieldLabel
  16. I got confused here, there are two posts, one about errors in the console, another about css/js files that are not cached, they are always fetched from the server.
  17. const JS_RESOURCE_GCHARTS_LOADER : string = '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>'; JS_RESOURCE_JQUERY: string = '<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js" integrity="sha256-u7e5khyithlIdTpu22PHhENmPcRdFiHRjhAuHcs05RI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; It appears to be these const here.
  18. Today I'm looking at everything in depth, I have a question, why aren't these files cached? every time the application opens it loads about 10mb of css/js
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