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Everything posted by picyka

  1. Day of hunting for errors in the console, I came across this, does anyone have any tips? This occurs when opening the system.
  2. Solution: Self.CustomFiles.Add('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=' + Self.KeyMaps + '&callback=gmNoop&libraries=geometry,places,visualization'); ServerModule.CustomMeta: <script> function gmNoop(){ console.log('GMap Callback'); }; </script>
  3. How to resolve these warnings, has anyone managed?
  4. TUniDBEdit Please publish the EmptyText property in this component.
  5. class procedure TThemeUtils.ConfigureCSS(Obj, Element, Value: String); begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''' + Obj + ''', ''' + Element + ''', ''' + Value + ''')'); end; TThemeUtils.ConfigureCSS('.x-btn-default-small','background-color', '#353935'); An interesting tip.
  6. https://github.com/rareMaxim/Excel4Delphi
  7. picyka

    Ping time

    The problem with these server side functions using the timer is that the unigui session doesn't die.
  8. Or, handle this in your JS code, if you don't have an image to load from the files folder...
  9. Maybe it could have a calculated field, and handle it in OnCalcFields
  10. Perhaps in the field's GetText, you would validate if the blob has no data, and would place its default image
  11. picyka


    how do i put the eye in the password field? when clicking show password
  12. Solution: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.viewConfig.deferEmptyText = false; config.emptyText = '<i class="fas fa-inbox"></i> Não há dados no momento.'; } procedure TUniDBGridHelper.ConfigureEmptyText; begin Self.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit'] := 'function beforeInit(sender, config) ' + '{ ' + ' config.viewConfig.deferEmptyText = false; ' + ' config.emptyText = ''<i class="fas fa-inbox"></i> Não há dados no momento.''; ' + '}'; end; procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleNewComponent(AComponent: TComponent); begin if AComponent is TUniDBGrid then begin TUniDBGrid(AComponent).ConfigureEmptyText; end; end; Tks.
  13. Event: UniGUIMainModuleNewComponent
  14. I was trying to center on uniMainModule, would it be possible? Thanks Grid.zip
  15. EmptyText is not visible with dataset close.
  16. picyka

    NtFy for Delphi

    Integração com a Ntfy no Delphi. Ntfy é um serviço simples de… | by Samuel R. O. | Medium GitHub - hazzelnuts/ntfy-for-delphi: Biblioteca amigável para enviar e receber notificações instantâneas usando servidores ntfy.sh em Delphi
  17. try putting it on google drive.
  18. I've been sick, with back pain, a lot of time sitting, a lot of stress.
  19. I already worked in this format, when logging in, I made an insert, when logging out, I killed the record.
  20. Perhaps you will need a table to store the data, in the mainModule's Ondestroy, you say that it is no longer active
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