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Everything posted by picyka

  1. DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116081241.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103537.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103538.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103539.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103540.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103541.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103542.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116103543.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162002.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162003.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162004.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162005.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162006.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162007.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162008.el DevSulAssist_WIN-EM5F97TDNDI_20240116162009.el
  2. Date: 16/01/2024 16:20:07 User: xxx - Desktop Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Versão: IP: xxx URL: xxx Navegador: chrome Navegador Versão: 120 OS: windows SessionID: 11_Q2f5zvltjj10E0DE818 Component: Grid_ConsAtendVeiculo (TUniDBGrid) Parent: UniFrameConsAtendVeiculo1 LastAjaxEvent: dummy Class: Exception Message: Config Option: O130F9->bodyBorder:false<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Date: 16/01/2024 16:20:08 User: xxx - Desktop Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Versão: IP: xxx URL: xxx Navegador: chrome Navegador Versão: 120 OS: windows SessionID: 11_Q2f5zvltjj10E0DE818 Component: Grid_ConsAtendVeiculo (TUniDBGrid) Parent: UniFrameConsAtendVeiculo1 LastAjaxEvent: dummy Class: Exception Message: Config Option: O13101->layout:"absolute"<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. ------------------------------------ [16:20] ------------------------------------ Date: 16/01/2024 16:20:08 User: xxx - Desktop Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Versão: IP: xxx URL: xxx Navegador: chrome Navegador Versão: 120 OS: windows SessionID: 11_Q2f5zvltjj10E0DE818 Component: Grid_ConsAtendVeiculo (TUniDBGrid) Parent: UniFrameConsAtendVeiculo1 LastAjaxEvent: dummy Class: Exception Message: Config Option: O13109->bodyBorder:false<br/>is refering a previous request,<br/>it's not allowed in AJAX request or JS handler.<br/>Use equivalent Public Property or Method instead. ------------------------------------ I have been living with this problem for a long time, my scenario is this: My system opens in tabs. In a tab, there is a timer running and loading a grid, so the user can open this tab and other tabs, from my tests on my system that's it, it seems that the system requests together with the timer cause some conflict. This error does not appear to the user, but appears in the log.
  3. Date: 21/12/2023 10:26:26 User: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Versão: IP: URL: https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Navegador: chrome Navegador Versão: 120 OS: windows SessionID: 0_NzT7iry2Po10DE5E36C Component: UniDBGridServicos (TUniDBGrid) Parent: UniFrameCadFornecedor LastAjaxEvent: actionclick Class: Exception Message: TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow(): Unexpected Row number: 3, 5
  4. Today this error appeared in my log, I have no idea how to resolve it.
  5. Yes OnCreate: Self.UniDBGridAtendimentos.JSInterface.JSAddListener('actionclick', 'function(){this.showMask("Aguarde processando...")}'); Event ColumnActionClick try //code finally Self.UniDBGridAtendimentos.JSInterface.JSCall('hideMask', []); end; If you can automate this, I would appreciate it.
  6. If possible, implement the ShowMask option, sometimes the user clicks on a resource that takes a while to open, they think it is locked.
  7. This is complicated, I already did some tests a while ago, sometimes you have several browser tabs open, and you close the browser directly, and these events do not pass.
  8. Once again he killed the charade. Thanks JSMan
  9. procedure TUniDBGridHelper.ConfigureColumAction(SetEvents : Boolean); var lCoumn: TUniBaseDBGridColumn; begin if Assigned(Self) then begin Self.JSInterface.JSAddListener('actionclick', 'function(itemId){alert(itemId.value); this.showMask("Aguarde processando...")}'); lCoumn := Self.ColumnByName('actions'); if lCoumn <> nil then begin if SetEvents then begin if not Assigned(Self.OnDblClick) then Self.OnDblClick := Self._MyDblClick; if not Assigned(Self.OnKeyDown) then Self.OnKeyDown := Self._MyKeyDown; end; lCoumn.Width := 57; lCoumn.Alignment := taCenter; lCoumn.Title.Caption := 'Ações'; lCoumn.Title.Alignment := taCenter; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Enabled := True; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons.Add; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[0].ButtonId := 0; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[0].Hint := 'Editar'; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[0].ImageIndex := 1; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons.Add; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[1].ButtonId := 1; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[1].Hint := 'Excluir'; lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[1].ImageIndex := 16; end else begin lCoumn := Self.ColumnByName('del'); if Assigned(lCoumn) then begin lCoumn.ActionColumn.Enabled := True; with lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[0] do begin Hint := 'Excluir'; ImageIndex := 16; end; end; lCoumn := Self.ColumnByName('edit'); if Assigned(lCoumn) then begin lCoumn.ActionColumn.Enabled := True; with lCoumn.ActionColumn.Buttons[0] do begin Hint := 'Editar'; ImageIndex := 1; end; end; end; end; end; I just need the mask to fire only with ButtonId = 0 or ButtonId = 1
  10. Master, something unexpected always appears. I would be able to display the mask according to the ButtonId I'm looking in the ExtsJs documentation and I didn't find anything about this.
  11. It works, it would be cool if this was a property. Thanks again
  12. When clicking on an ActionClick to open a form, I would like it to display a mask until the form opens. What would be the correct way to do this? procedure TUniFrameCadFornecedor.UniDBGridServicosColumnActionClick(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; ButtonId: Integer); begin case ButtonId of 0: begin with TUniFormCadFornecedorServico.Create(UniApplication) do begin try ShowForm(Self.ADFornecedorServico.Current<TFornecedorServico>, acEdit, Self.Controller); if ModalResult = mrOk then Self.ADFornecedorServico.Refresh; finally Free; end; end; end; 1: begin if TMessageUtils.Question(_MENSAGEM_EXCLUSAO) = mrYes then Self.ADFornecedorServico.Delete; end; end; end;
  13. The only doubt I had, for me to use the field in the rule, does this field need to be added to the grid?
  14. picyka


    Once here on the forum, I remember seeing you saying that there would be a resource that tracked what the user did, I already use this information, I just wanted to know which would be the most correct, the function is in the MainModule.
  15. It's an old error, I can't say since when, it sleeps and sometimes appears, but I have no clue what could cause it.
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