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Everything posted by mbierly

  1. I've got an app using the mobile components and it's a TUnimTabSheet with five tab panels with a number of controls on each panel. After upgrading iOS to 14.5.1 it's now broken. Upon launching the app it gives an error "null is not an object (evaluating 'b.apply') and then Ajax Error "Can't find variable: O99". It was working fine on iOS 14.4 and works fine on Android and desktop browsers. Has anyone else run into problems after upgrading iOS?
  2. Sherzod, Here is the test case to get the Unterminated String Constant error. I've included the MS Word doc in HTML format that I've been trying to get to load. It's located in the project folder. Thanks! Test_Case.zip
  3. I used the forum topic as the start of what I'm doing : Here's my code in the UniFileUploadCompleted event: var DestFolder: string := UniServerModule.StartPath + 'UploadFolder\'; var DestName: string := DestFolder + ExtractFileName(UniFileUpload1.FileName); CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); var AFile: TFile; var AHtml: string := AFile.ReadAllText(DestName); ACmd := '.execCmd(' + '''' + 'InsertHTML' + '''' + ' , ' + '''' + AHtml + '''' + ')'; UniSession.AddJS(UniDBHTMLMemo1.JSName + ACmd); I'm getting an Unterminated String Constant error that I haven't been able to figure out. Any ideas what I need to change? There is additional code I've got that makes changes to the AHtml variable. I don't believe that is the source of my problem because I have inspected the variable in debug, copied the contents and then switched the DBHTMLMemo into source edit mode on the toolbar, pasted in the modified HTML and toggled back to "regular" mode everything displays as expected.
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