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Everything posted by albertovesx

  1. Hi Is it compatible with new beta unigui? Best regards
  2. Is it posible to integrate this http://www.esegece.com/websockets/demo. with unigui?
  3. Hi, everyone Can I use this unit in uniGUI projects? I mean, is it thread safe? I want to compress pdfs that are produced by fastreport. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Tokyo/en/System.Zip.TZipFile Best regards.
  4. This is a very simple way to do it. uses IniFiles; ... var conf: Tinifile; begin conf := Tinifile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName,'.ini')); try try datamodule.uconnexion.server := conf.ReadString('CONNEXION', 'IP', 'ERROR'); datamodule.uconnexion.Database := conf.ReadString('CONNEXION', 'dbname', 'ERROR'); datamodule.uconnexion.Username := conf.ReadString('CONNEXION', 'username', 'ERROR'); datamodule.uconnexion.Password := conf.ReadString('CONNEXION', 'password', 'ERROR'); If (dm.uconnexion.host = 'ERROR') or (dm.unicon.Database = 'ERROR') or (dm.unicon.Username = 'ERROR') or (dm.unicon.Password = 'ERROR') or (dm.uconceccdir.Database = 'ERROR') or (dm.uconceccdir.Username = 'ERROR') or (dm.uconceccdir.Password = 'ERROR') then begin showmessage('Bad file configuration or program name has changed'); abort; end; datamodule.connexion.connect; except end; Finally conf.Free; end; end;
  5. For this case you must set to true EnableSyncronousoperations in datamodule. or use showmodal(procedure(sender: Tcomnponent: res: integer)begin //somecode here; end);
  6. If you are not using synchronous operations equal to true, you are freeing the form very quickly because the execution continue and the finally code is executed. You must use syncronous operation or callbacks
  7. Very kind of you to share this code with us. Thank you
  8. Hi, what happen with this code when UniGUI change the extjs version, for example extjs 6.5, would it still working? Best regards Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', { width: 400, height: 200, title: 'Test', tools: [{ type: 'gear' }, { type: 'pin' }], renderTo: document.body });
  9. Hi, everyone Is it possible to integrate a security validation like "I am not a robot" or somehing similar? Have a nice day
  10. Hi Farshad, I can not do this when I download and install a new version. The license key activation file (from previous version) does not work, so I have to request another key for every virtual machine or pc that I used: "3) Well, in order to install uniGUI on a new PC you need to activate your copy of uniGUI. You can also save your license key for one PC and install on that PC uniGUI again without activation." Is it right or I am doing something wrong? Best regards
  11. are you using direct database connection or WebServices? what do you recommend to use? Nice work, by the way
  12. Can you help us with a simple example?
  13. If I set alignmentcontrol to uniAlignmentClient for most of components like panels, forms, grids, etc, is there any other consideratios that I must take?
  14. Hi, A. soltani. I understand your solution, but that is when we want: Standalone/ISAPI ----Want to convert it into ---->ISAPI in my case I have the following: Standalone project ----want to convert it into ---> Standalone/ISAPI My question remains. Is it enough to just add the code contains in {} to convert it into standalone/isapi project? I also modified the stack size in the ISAPI properties. Best regards
  15. Is it enough to modify the source project adding the code contain in {} to convert it into isapi/standalone? I did it with a project and it worked, but I dont know if this is all the modification that we need to do. //{$define UNIGUI_VCL} // Comment out this line to turn this project into an ISAPI module {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} library {$else} program {$endif} Project1; uses uniGUIISAPI, Forms, ServerModule in 'ServerModule.pas' {UniServerModule: TUniGUIServerModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Main in 'Main.pas' {MainForm: TUniForm}; {$R *.res} {$ifndef UNIGUI_VCL} exports GetExtensionVersion, HttpExtensionProc, TerminateExtension; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UNIGUI_VCL} ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); Application.Run; {$endif} end.
  16. Is it necesary tha Synchronize() function?
  17. Sometime I have the following situation: I set the screenmask to btnTest, but after the user answer the messagedlg the screen mask desapears. I want that the screen mask remains after the messagedlg. How can I achieve this? procedure TfrmSomeForm.btnTestClick(Sender: TObject); begin Lines of code messagedlg() // Ask something to the user A lot of lines of code after messagedlg executing without screen mask end; Thanks
  18. Is it safe to place UniimageList in MainDatamodule or other UniDatamodule?
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