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Everything posted by Ronak

  1. Ronak

    Mask in Grid

    Hello, If we show mask on form, Form1.BitBtn_Dummy1.showMask('....Wait...', Form1.FormPanel), the form will be disabled, showing the mask... I used Dummy button.. First Grid->ClientEvents Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel function OnAfterEdit(value, originalValue, row, column) { Form1.BitBtn_Dummy1.showMask('....Wait...', Form1.UniDBGrid1 ); } Second Grid->ClientEvents Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel function OnAfterEdit(value, originalValue, row, column) { Form1.BitBtn_Dummy1.hideMask(); }
  2. Hello, I put a timer, but does not start at the time indicated. Timer triggers repetitively, it starts when enabled, not for time indicated, if so let know.. Now about TimeOut.., See UniGui Demos SessionTimeout Try begin UniMainModule.AllowTerminate:=False; ProcessForm.ProcessSale(); UniMainModule.AllowTerminate:=True; showmsg; end; procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleSessionTimeout(ASession: TObject; var ExtendTimeOut: Integer); begin if not AllowTerminate then begin ExtendTimeOut:=15000; // extend session for another 15 seconds end; end;
  3. Ronak


    During design-time UniScrollBox is not showing the scrollbars, even when the controls inside the UniScrollBox are not within the box.. it just shows the scrollbar at run-time. Standard TScrollBox do show the scrollbars at designtime, if required. if will be nice if UniScrollBox can..
  4. Ronak

    Save image

    Thanks Zilav, this is very good hint for me, I just set the UniImage.URL, fantastic property. procedure TMainForm.SetImageUrl(BlobFld: TField; UniImage: TUniImage; fileName: String); var Tmp,TmpFile:String; begin Tmp:= 'Tmp_' +UnitName +IntToStr(BlobFld.DataSet.RecNo) +fileName; TmpFile:= UniServerModule.LocalCachePath +Tmp; if (not FileExists(PChar(TmpFile))) then TBlobField(BlobFld).SaveToFile(PChar(TmpFile)); try UniImage.Url:= ''; UniImage.Refresh; UniImage.Url:= UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL +Tmp; except end; end;
  5. Ronak

    Save image

    if so, then you may update the Image on some other Event like UniFormCreate, OnCellClick or BtnClick by calling procedure like ShowImage above, here, ShowImage dose nothing but just displays the picture if possible. AfterScroll event is one good event to update the controls and if your Query/Table is on MainModule you need to find when the image can be loaded/displayed and where the procedure can be called. now, if in the MainModule, AfterScroll event is not in use and is nil then you can try like : unit Unit1; interface uses type TUniForm1 = class(TUniForm) UniImage1: TUniImage; procedure UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure myAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); // Attn. private public end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses MainModule, uniGUIApplication; procedure TUniForm1.myAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin ShowImage(UniMainModule.QryMainImg1, UniImage1); end; procedure TUniForm1.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin UniMainModule.QryMain.AfterScroll:=nil; end; procedure TUniForm1.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniMainModule.QryMain.AfterScroll:=myAfterScroll; end; end.
  6. Ronak

    Save image

    you are correct, I too think so, ShowImage procedure corrected.., G : TGraphic; G:= ...Create; G.Free; Thanks
  7. Ronak

    Save image

    Dear Mediv, ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid is due to TUniDbImage, if the blob field do not contain BMP, or if the blob field contain other img files like JPG or PNG, or if the blob field contain other binary files which do not have Bitmap image, and hence the ERROR: Bitmap image is not valid. Try using TUniImage and display the Picture using ShowImage Procedure below, may call in AfterScroll event of the DS. I have used ShowImage Procedure in my BlobField demo project. procedure TMainForm.ShowImage(BlobFld: TField; UniImage: TUniImage); var m: TStream; G: TGraphic; FirstBytes: AnsiString; bValidImg:Boolean; Icon: TIcon ; begin UniImage.Picture.Graphic := nil; if BlobFld.IsNull then begin Exit; end; m := BlobFld.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(BlobFld, bmRead); if m <> nil then begin G := nil; bValidImg:=True; try SetLength(FirstBytes, 8); m.Read(FirstBytes[1], 8); if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 2) = 'BM' then G := TBitmap.Create else if FirstBytes = #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10 then G := TPngImage.Create else if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 3) = 'GIF' then G := TGIFImage.Create else if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 2) = #$FF#$D8 then G := TJPEGImage.Create else bValidImg:=False; if bValidImg then begin try UniImage.Picture.Graphic := G; m.Seek(0,0); UniImage.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(m); finally G.Free; end; end else begin if Copy(FirstBytes, 1, 4) = #0#0#1#0 then begin Icon := TIcon.Create; try m.Seek(0,0); Icon.LoadFromStream(m); UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Width := Icon.Width; UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Height:= Icon.Height; UniImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Icon); finally Icon.Free; end; end; end; finally m.Free; end; end; end; Regards
  8. Ronak

    Save image

    Dear Mediv In your test project.... unit FormAddRecord; . . type TAddRecordForm = class(TUniForm) . . private IsImage : Boolean; FDSourse : TDataSource; pStream: TMemoryStream; // pStream: TFileStream; public end; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule, ServerModule, DateUtils, EncdDecd; function AddRecordForm: TAddRecordForm; begin Result := TAddRecordForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TAddRecordForm)); end; // Load procedure TAddRecordForm.UniFileUploadCompleted(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); begin if IsImage then begin UniImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(AStream.FileName); // pStream := AStream; pStream:=TMemoryStream.Create; pStream.CopyFrom(AStream,AStream.Size); end; end; // Save record procedure TAddRecordForm.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var BlobField: TBlobField; begin if pStream<>nil then begin FDSourse.DataSet.Append; . . BlobField := FDSourse.DataSet.FieldByName('IMG'); BlobField.LoadFromStream(pStream); FDSourse.DataSet.Post; . . pStream.Free; pStream:=nil; end; end; end.
  9. Ronak

    Save image

    Hi, Here I attached complete demo for, image in the database with dataControls as well as with using non-dataControls... Also, this Saves any file in a database field, displays the image if it is img, Image Supports BMP, JPG, ICO, PNG, GIF. any other binary files are saved without display.... BlobField.rar
  10. Ronak


    Hi, My trial colorPicker project. http://www.dematte.at/colorPicker/#download Finally it worked for me. CP_v0.91_Test.rar
  11. Excellent Frashad Excellent you are only the first one among the 7 billion!!! who did this grate work Thanks a lot for UNIGUI!
  12. Ronak


    Hi, I need ColorPicker, In the attached project, I made an attempt to use jscolor.js, I worked partially.. I mean to say worked in mainform, but not in child form, aslo, it starts working after I refresh the page in Browser Please someone help me how I can use jscolor.js ... Thanks JsColorPicker.rar
  13. Attached a working fine, demo for FastReport, No issue with me! D2009 Proj_TestFR.rar
  14. if I have to have call delphi method then I can try something like... Demo Attached. // HTML CODE in UniHtmlFrame <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function myFunction() { var bool1= MainForm.UniCheckBox1.getValue(); if (bool1) { MainForm.UniCheckBox1.setValue('0'); } else { MainForm.UniCheckBox1.setValue('1'); } } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Click me" /> </body> </html> *************** procedure TMainForm.UniCheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('UniCheckBox1Click'); end; *************** methods.rar
  15. I haven't faced any problem with FastReport. Works Fine. I used Datamodule as placeholder for FrxPdfExport, frxRichObject,....... in the MainForm, just create the datamodule FrTools := TDataFrTools.Create(UniApplication); FrxReport component I used to put in Forms. Regards.
  16. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2164-datamodule/
  17. Fix: Indy Mail Attachment Filenames lost in D2009 http://blog.digivendo.com/2008/10/fix-indy-mail-attachments-filenames-lost-in-d2009/
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