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Everything posted by lawrencetse

  1. Dears I tried to have crm.cfg & crm.exe & hyper_crm.exe and install & start the service hyper_crm.exe /install crm net start hyperservice_crm and do the same for wms.exe but the system don't work well.. http:\\localhost:8077 sometime show wms, sometime show crm...????? also as per uniGUI Developer Manual First step is to copy file hyper_service.exe and hyper_service.cfg to your application folder. Next step is to install the service. You may also rename hyper_service.exe. If you want to run several instance of HyperServer service then it is better to give a unique name to each service exe file. Don't forget that for each service executable no need a CFG file with same name. Any idea ??
  2. I got two hyperservices on the same server, 1. crm.exe on port 8077 2. wms.exe on port 8066 I try rename hyperservice.exe to hyper_crm.exe & start the serivice and rename hyperservice.exe to hyper_wms.exe & start the service But sometime 8077 show wms while 8066 show crm... Any idea ?
  3. Dear all How can I display blank insteads of 30/12/1899 in dbgrid ? Thanks Lawrence
  4. when we put the text in unidbmemo with line break. but those line break is ignored in dbgrid, all lines group together unless we put <br> insteads of line break !!
  5. yes already select displaymemo =true the memo displayed without line feed All group into few lines
  6. yes already select displaymemo =true the memo displayed without line feed All group into few lines
  7. Hi I already to display memo to true. Is it possible to display memo field in grid with line break ?
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