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Everything posted by andyhill

  1. Thank you Farshad, it is the first time that this has happened to me - now wiser
  2. When Winapi.Windows unit is added to ServerModule (in order to decode LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT required by GetLocaleFormatSettings) All reference to Bitmaps in Vcl.Graphics unit no longer works procedure CustomProc(Sender: TObject); var bmp: TBitmap; begin bmp:= TBitmap.Create; ERROR UnDeclared Identifier Create Remove Winapi.Windows unit and rem out GetLocaleFormatSettings and all works normally ? unit ServerModule; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, ShlObj, ActiveX, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Imaging.jpeg, {Winapi.Windows,} DateUtils, // uniGUIServer, uniGUIMainModule, uniGUIApplication, uniGUITypes, uniGUISessionManager, // IdBaseComponent, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, IdMessageClient, IdSMTPBase, IdSMTP, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdMessage, idAttachmentFile, IdICMPClient, IdHTTP, uIdCustomHTTPServer, // IdSASLAnonymous, IdSASLDigest, IdSASLLogin, IdSASLOTP, IdSASL_CRAM_MD5, IdSASLPlain, IdSASL_CRAM_SHA1, IdSASLSKey, IdUserPassProvider ;
  3. I use the following code in ServerModule that worked fine before D12, if I include the Winapi.Windows unit then all reference to TBitmap (Vcl.Graphics) within the ServerModule fails, please advise - thanks in advance. initialization RegisterServerModuleClass(TUniServerModule); // (* var Fmt: TFormatSettings; GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, Fmt); // Winapi.Windows Fmt.ShortDateFormat:= 'dd/mm/yyyy'; Fmt.DateSeparator:= '/'; Fmt.DecimalSeparator:= '.'; *) // end.
  4. UniGUI 1971 Delphi 11.3 UnimTreeMenu Align:= alRight Anchors:= [akTop,akRight,akBottom] Width:= 120; FILLS THE ENTIRE FORM FIX REQUIRED A COMPLETE CHROME CLEAR HISTORY / CACHE - Now Working
  5. Farshad, I did write to you personally about offering a Layout Example but you never responded ?
  6. FOUND IT IN CHROME EXTENSIONS - not sure how it got their - now removed
  7. I have searched my system based on https://www.3cx.com/blog/docs/uninstall-check/ There is no visible trace of 3cx.
  8. There are over 6516 css files on my PC. Grep searching in every css file fails to show *3cx* Grep searching in every js file fails to show *3cx* Windows itself seems to have been programmed (by 3cx I presume but I have no 3cx on my system) that any 10 digit phone number is to be automatically linked to 3cx Phone Call servers ??? 2019-2020 tries to call 3cx 2019/2020 tries to call 3cx 2019>2020 is not tampered with therefore no crash. Farshad, how do we keep our TUniComboBox contents from being hijacked by Windows ?
  9. Farshad, I have written this many ways - same crash. What I have just noticed is the contents of the TUniComboBox which only has text line entries by me are displayed in underlined with flyout hint to Link to 3CX something we are not using. How do I stop 3CX CSS from inhabiting my TUniComboBox ?
  10. "making some crucial modifications to Ajax library" OK, please consider ServerModule Broadcasting too - thanks.
  11. Farshad, I can broadcast from a session to sessions as expected, I want to broadcast from ServerModule code to any open sessions - please advise how - Thanks.
  12. Sherzod, Please advise why "TUnimDBListGrid Column[i].AllowHTML:= True;" does not paint '<p style="color:red;">'+TimeStr+'</p>'; red ?
  13. Any suggestions on how to display html code with mobile dblistgrid column ?
  14. Please advise how within servermodule code I can broadcast to all connected browser sessions.
  15. I added the ajax code to your skeleton sample and it worked so it obviously has to do with timing issues. I will need time to strip my project down and identify the timing/synchronisation problems - thank you for your input.
  16. Thank you but I am not actually using a Button or an Editor, I am doing it via a FORM AjaxEvent inside a mLoginForm.
  17. Sherzod, the event name was left out in my post for clarity. It is normal programming that only has issues (not working) with Touch Login Form.
  18. In my CalcFields Event I determine the Count value and then I want to format the string response to display in HTML but it fails - please advise; if Odd(Count) = True then begin TimeStr:= '<p style="color:blue;">'+TimeStr+'</p>'; end else begin TimeStr:= '<p style="color:red;">'+TimeStr+'</p>'; end;
  19. WebSockets Broadcasting Works Amongst MainModule Session To Session - How Can I Make ServerModule Broadcast To ALL MainModule Sessions ?
  20. Exhaustive testing shows TfLogin = class(TUnimLoginForm) ALL localStorage.setItem and localStorage.removeItem FAILS TfMain = class(TUnimForm) ALL localStorage.setItem and localStorage.removeItem APPEARS TO WORK
  21. UnimLoginFormAjaxEvent localStorage.setItem WORKS localStorage.removeItem DOES NOT WORK
  22. I am running this code in a Login Form.
  23. Key set and easily seen in chrome development tools, already viewed all posts on localstorage. Mobile (touch) fails to remove ???
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