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Everything posted by AntonioCuomo

  1. Perfect thanks. My problem is to let the notification come out after a certain time and not to have it deleted directly from windows.
  2. Is it possible to put a message in windows 10 notifications in order to view the message even after closing the webbrowser? Like Tnofiticationcenter VCL delphi. In practice, when the customer performs an action, I would like that after a certain time he should see a message.
  3. I have the impression that the problem is in these lines of Tipwpop3: function TipwPOP.get_MessageText: String; var tmp: Pointer; begin result := ''; if @_IPWorks_POP_Get = nil then exit; tmp := _IPWorks_POP_Get(m_ctl, PID_POP_MessageText{$IFDEF UNICODE}+10000{$ENDIF}, 0, nil, nil); result := PChar(tmp); end; in the VCL version, result contains the complete string while in unigui only the first part (about 50 characters). It seems that unigui doesn't recognize {$ IFDEF UNICODE} +10000 {$ ENDIF}. I should try to modify the IpWork library. Is it a problem of unigui? In previous posts I have attached a test in unigui. Apart from my specific use, such an application would allow the mail client to be centralized on a single server.
  4. I attach screenshots of the ipwpop3 demo version of n / software and of the unigui app. What I found is that the MESSAGETEXT property in unigui is truncated to the displayed text while in vcl it is a text containing all the message information. doubt: n / sotware Tipwpop3 is compatible with unigui? _MailClient.zip
  5. I want to download emails not send them. I adapted VCL demo of IPWpop3 in unigui. I can read the list of emails but not the text of the message.
  6. I would like to download the emails in a unigui application so that I can read the content and perform processing on the content or attached files
  7. I would like to insert in unigui a client to download e-mails and manage the content of messages. I had thought of using IDPop3 but I can't find examples on the net.
  8. Is possible use unicalendar with db SQLSERVER?
  9. 'Filter' property of Tunifileupload does not function at runtime
  10. with tfileupload I load a * .zip file on unigui application (EX. FILE1 + FILE2 + FILE .. -> fILE.ZIP). With the event completed I save the * .zip file in tempfolder. What can I do to unpack the zip file? sorry for my english but i hope i was clear
  11. j upload a file zip. How j can unzip the file?
  12. If I want to perform backups with sqlserver using an fdquery how should I implement it? unitimer and fdquery1 on main Form?
  13. My database is SQLServer and use firedac. FDConnection in unimainmodule. when closed connection last connection run. if j run query sql from ssms the query is very slow o locked.
  14. But without midaslib you can have other errors in the app with firedac?
  15. when I launch unigui manager on the non-production server I am asked for midas.dll to view the sessions. on the production PC works
  16. when another user connects to the treemenu APP, it blocks and a connection error is reported. if the first user closes the browser, the 2nd app will work again. in the log I have messages like this: Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00003F78: 14:55:12 []:Processing: Id: 26, Evt: itemclick Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00003F78: 14:55:12 []:Processed: Id: 26, Evt: itemclick, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00003F78: 14:55:12 []:FLastSequence set:26 Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00001010: 14:55:13 []:iSeq: Id: 27, Evt: selectionchange, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00001010: 14:55:13 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 27, Event: selectionchange, Status: 503, StatusText: "Service Unavailable", TimedOut: false, cQs: f:{}, s:{28,29,30,31,32,33,34}, a:{35,36,37,38,39,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,51}, r:{} Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00001010: 14:55:13 []:Processing: Id: 27, Evt: selectionchange Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00001010: 14:55:13 []:Processed: Id: 27, Evt: selectionchange, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00001010: 14:55:13 []:FLastSequence set:27 Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00005170: 14:55:13 []:iSeq: Id: 28, Evt: itemclick, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00005170: 14:55:13 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 28, Event: itemclick, Status: 503, StatusText: "Service Unavailable", TimedOut: false, cQs: f:{}, s:{29,30,31,32,33,34}, a:{35,36,37,38,39,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,51,51,52,53,54}, r:{} Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00005170: 14:55:13 []:Processing: Id: 28, Evt: itemclick Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00005170: 14:55:13 []:Processed: Id: 28, Evt: itemclick, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00005170: 14:55:13 []:FLastSequence set:28 Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000E70: 14:55:13 []:iSeq: Id: 29, Evt: itemclick, [IuNvg7ulOy10973F6DA] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000E70: 14:55:13 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 29, Event: itemclick, Status: 503, StatusText: "Service Unavailable", TimedOut: false, cQs: f:{}, s:{30,31,32,33,34}, a:{35,36,37,38,39,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,51,51,52,53,54}, r:{} the app has always worked. I rewrote the form that gave an error but nothing has changed. It is as if unigui does not allow multiple logins. Unfortunately the app is active for customers I've been trying to find the problem for a week. I apologize for my English and for other messages already posted. P.S.: other app run
  17. These sessions lock themselves. that?
  18. These sessions lock themselves. that?
  19. The problem is that a second connection blocks the first and so on ... other apps work fine
  20. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Stopped. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 []:Session <2QOCfAX4gF1097104B2> Terminated. Reason: Server Shutdown. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00000B00: 16:58:17 [Terminated]:Exit Code: 0 Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:46 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:46 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:46 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = D:\TMI\TMI_WorkStation\ Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:46 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache erase job created, Folder count: [1] Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:47 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 20000... Proj_TimesWork.exe: 00002F64: 16:58:47 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 20000 Proj_TimesWork.exe: 000035C8: 16:58:48 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. (Session not found: 2QOCfAX4gF1097104B2 ) : Addr: $00861ABA Is the session not destroyed when unigui is closed?
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