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Everything posted by AntonioCuomo

  1. This is log Mobile A2022-05-06_MObile.log
  2. A2022-05-06.log C onnectionloag_A2022-05-06.log
  3. Unfortunately I return to the problem that I thought solved. Scenario: There are two applications on the server (with different ports). The first desktop version, the other mobile version. After a (random) time, the error is signaled: Could not lok session and the application remains blocked. The desktop version has 5 or 6 active clients while the mobile version 20, 30 logins. The version of unigui is the last version. If I close the application it is not removed from the activities and I have to do it manually. in log: TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processed: Id: 6720, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:46 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6727, Event: timer TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Sequence sent from cache: SeqId: 6727 TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processed: Id: 6727, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:53 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6734, Event: timer TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Sequence sent from cache: SeqId: 6734 TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processed: Id: 6734, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33] Unfortunately I cannot identify the problem and this is creating a lot of problems for me with the customer ... I have recompiled the applications several times but the problem remains. One note from November 2021 to March has always worked well. What can I do? TwMobile.exe: 00001EB0: 19:19:01 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6741, Event: timer
  4. I think I have solved. Reboot the server ...
  5. j have this code JSCall('relayCmd', ['selectAll']); JSCallDefer('relayCmd', ['copy'], 200); JSCode('Ext.defer(function(){ajaxRequest('+ JSName +', "getSelection", ["selectedText="+'+ JSName +'.getWin().getSelection().getRangeAt(0).toString()]); '+ JSName +'.getWin().getSelection().removeAllRanges()}, 600);');
  6. I resume the post with the reported error. Unfortunately, the whole application blocks me and all users (5 or 6) cannot access the main menu functions. It is a very serious problem as the client has several operators working. the application worked well for months now. Only change: inclusion of Tidimap component to read mails (which works). the component was added on a form. Previously using a Tidpop3 this component was on the server module
  7. I made the change but am forced to reclick on unihtmlmemo to deselect the text
  8. I have also updated unigui to the latest version but there is always the message that I cannot block the session. Any suggestions?
  9. after saving in the clipboard tunihtmlmemo remains selected. Is it possible to deselect the text?
  10. I have html text in Tunihtmlmemo and I want to copy it back to Tunimemo without the HTML tags. with the Keys Ctrl-A and Ctrl-V in Tunihtmlmemo and then with Ctrl-V in unimemo I get what I wanted. These operations must be performed by a Button event. scheme: Tunimemohtml.selectall; Tunimemohtml.copytoclipborad; Tunimemo.lines.loadfromclipboard; It doesn't matter if it runs server-side or client-side.
  11. J have modified the code with thtmlframe: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin spdCopy.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['click']:='function click(sender, e, eOpts) '+ ' { '+ ' var textarea = document.getElementById("'+ UniHTMLFrame1.JSName +'_id-iframeE1"); '+ //'_id-inputEl"); ' // ' textarea.select(); '+ ' try { '+ ' var successful = document.execCommand(''copy''); '+ ' if(successful) {var text=textarea.value; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})} '+ ' else {var text = ''Unable to copy!''; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})} '+ ' } catch (err) { '+ ' var text = ''Unsupported Browser!''; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})'+ ' } '+ ' }'; end; but display this message:
  12. I attach simple test case ajaxreq (1).rar
  13. with tunimemo run ok. with unidbhtmlmemo not run.
  14. i changed the code and it works (with tuniedit). On the form I added a Thtmlmemo and modified the code by changing the name from edttext to htmlmemo1. The event is not detected and the copy does not work. procedure TMainForm.spdCopyAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin //showmessage(EventName); if SameText(EventName, 'customEvent') then begin ShowMessage(Params['name'].AsString + ' ' + Params['width'].AsString); // sashow(sa, params['name'].AsString, NIL, atInfo, 'OK', '', 'Information'); end; end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin spdCopy.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['click']:='function click(sender, e, eOpts) '+ ' { '+ ' var textarea = document.getElementById("'+htmlmemo1.JSName+'_id-inputEl"); '+ ' textarea.select(); '+ ' try { '+ ' var successful = document.execCommand(''copy''); '+ ' if(successful) {var text=''Copied!''; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})} '+ ' else {var text = ''Unable to copy!''; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})} '+ ' } catch (err) { '+ ' var text = ''Unsupported Browser!''; ajaxRequest(sender, "customEvent", {name: text})'+ ' } '+ ' }'; end;
  15. Basically I want to copy the text displayed by dbhtmlmemo into a unimemo. if I do it manually with ctrl-A, ctrl-C and ctrl-V it works perfectly as I expected. the idea is to use a button to automate the operation, it can also be performed only on the server.
  16. Fixed mancava re-reading the message: //------------------------------------------------------ // Legge body //------------------------------------------------------ IdIMAP41.UIDRetrieve(TheUID, MSG); MSG.MessageParts.CountParts; pp := msg.MessageParts.TextPartCount; try...
  17. I try to read the content of the emails downloaded with tidimap4: //-------------------------------------------------------- for i := 0 to TCount-1 do begin IdIMAP41.GetUID(i+1, TheUID); IdIMAP41.UIDRetrieveFlags(TheUID, TheFlags); IdIMAP41.UIDRetrieveHeader(TheUID, MSG); MSG.MessageParts.CountParts; pp := msg.MessageParts.TextPartCount; if NOT (mfSeen in TheFlags) then begin // UnRead message! if not(FDTHeader.FindKey([MSG.MsgId])) then begin //------------------------------------------------------ // Legge body //------------------------------------------------------ try if pp > 0 then begin for var k := 0 to msg.MessageParts.Count - 1 do begin if msg.MessageParts[k] is TIdText then begin S := S + TIdText(msg.MessageParts[k]).Body.Text; end else begin s := msg.body.text; end; end; end; finally bodytext := s; with vcl application it works fine, but with unigui I can't read the number of parts of the message. In practice the function msg.messageparts.countparts in unigui gives me as a result 0.
  18. Mea culpa: Wrong file name in the table.... sorry
  19. This works perfectly : procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var s1 : string; begin UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Clear; unilabel1.Caption := Format(s,[fdtable1Voce.asstring]); s1 :='13882870_1645790550.mp3'; //fdtable1Voce.asstring ; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Text := Format(s,[s1]); end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin s:= '<audio controls autoplay id="player3" src="files/%s"></audio>'; end; Instead this doesn't work: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var s1 : string; begin UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Clear; unilabel1.Caption := Format(s,[fdtable1Voce.asstring]); s1 := fdtable1Voce.asstring ; //'13882870_1645790550.mp3'; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Text := Format(s,[s1]); end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin s:= '<audio controls autoplay id="player3" src="files/%s"></audio>'; end; from debug both htmlfram1.htm.text of the first example and that of the second are the same ... the idea is to have a table with the mp3 file name and have the reading by passing the filename field.
  20. In this case the customer must be connected...
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