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Everything posted by KingOrmon

  1. I dont know about rowselectionmodel I have these options in Grid [dgEditing,dgTitles,dgIndicator,dgColumnResize,dgColLines,dgRowLines,dgRowSelect,dgConfirmDelete]
  2. I would like to intercept this event for show a menu when I click and hold in a item row of TUniDBGrid but If I make a simple click execute default event CellClick
  3. Hi, how can I implement this event under unigui desktop TUniDBGrid ? Regards
  4. I don´t want use sencha touch module, I prefer use a modified version of desktop Sencha Touch is deprecated by the company
  5. Hi, is possible to implementent swipe event for TUniDBGrid like this https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/3al2 regards
  6. Hi I have tried the following code but it does not work for me with last version of unigui: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7506-how-to-pick-a-time-in-mobile/#comment-38257 Any solution ?
  7. Hi, I am trying this workaround but in console I see an error: GET http://localhost:8077/Ext/DateExtras.js?_dc=1655973546280 net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) I use last unigui Thank you
  8. Hi, I have the following code for convert TAlphaColor to TColor, var rgb: TColor; begin rgb := TAlphaColorRec.ColorToRGB(AlphaColor); end; Now, I need convert TColor to TAlphaColor, I think that it will be in any function but I don´t see. Thank you
  9. Hi, Crisp Touch exists in sencha kitcken samples https://examples.sencha.com/extjs/7.5.1/examples/kitchensink/?classic#form-date
  10. Hi, I see in sencha sample a touch theme, but I don´t see it on themes of unigui. Is it correct ?
  11. Hi, google rejected my a call to https://maps.google.com from UniURLFrame. Any idea for avoid this ? Sample WebBrowser.URL := 'https://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + sLatitude + ',' + sLongitude ; Thank you
  12. Hi, I would like to scroll view (hours) of TUniCalendar to first event in the day. Example: If first event of day start at 12:00 > scroll to view for this event. By default scroll is at 8:00 Thank you
  13. Hi I would like to avoid use RDBMS for this project, Thank you
  14. Hi I have a separate MS Access file for each user (when login) Example: User1: 0001.mdb User2: 0002.mdb User3: 0002.mdb I have these files separated in other system folder (not in unigui isapi folder) like C:\MyUserData\ All seems works an concurrent, any suggestion ? Any security problems ?
  15. Hi irigsoft the main idea is generate a PDF report and sent it via mail thank you
  16. Hi, I am using unigui + Fastreport and all works ok. Now, I need to generate a report automatically scheduled for each day. how can I do it ? I use a windows server kind regards
  17. Hi, The main problem is that typing in a editor column (like UniLookCombo) all key down events are triggered to UniDBGrid, and it generates problems if you are monitoring this keys for other actions. Example: if you press key_down for select an item of edit (UniLookCombo) it triggers VK_Down of UniDBGrid. And I think that it is not correct
  18. Hi, because DataSet.State is always in dsEdit in my case
  19. The problem that I have is on event UniDBGrid KeyDown, it is triggered always even when a Column Editor is typing. I don´t know if it is a normal behaviour or changed from last versions.
  20. In delphi code, I need to know if is cell prepared for typing (edit) or not
  21. See the image attached for see the states of grid colunm
  22. Hi, Simply, how can I detect if TUniDBGrid is in edit mode ? I need to detect if a cell of a grid is on edit, the idea is if I can type in this cell or no. Thank you
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