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Everything posted by KingOrmon

  1. var s: string := url; // oauth2 Unisession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){window.open("' + s + '", "_blank")}, 100)'); numMsWaited := 0; while (numMsWaited < 30000) and (CkOAuth2_getAuthFlowState(oauth2) < 3) do begin CkOAuth2_SleepMs(oauth2,100); numMsWaited := numMsWaited + 100; end;
  2. I have the sample problem
  3. I need to convert button in anchor, because I will proccessing this html in other app
  4. Hi, Is it possible to enable TUniToolButton.Href and Hreftarget properties ? Regards
  5. Hi, When I change some values of dataset DBGrid not show updated value, but this value is show correctly in a UniDBEdit. You can test simple case, changing column Qty to another value. You will see UniDBEdit with correct value but not show in grid. Regards d.zip
  6. I attach a simple case, see first uniDBCombobox and click on trigger button
  7. How can I enable screek mask only when click on trigger button, not when typing or another event
  8. Hi, I would like that trigger event button shows a mask. Actually I use the following code that works. But I would like if exists a config for enable it without listeners or a delphi property function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.getTriggers().t1.el.addListener("click", function(event) { sender.showMask("Loading..."); }); } Regards
  9. A workaround seems to insert all components inside unicontainerpanel
  10. Hi Sherzod it happens when you use MainFormDisplayMode=mfPage Any idea ?
  11. Hi, I am migrating all forms from Serveralignment to Client Side Alignment. All works but I have a problem with screenmask, only applies to a one control of form, in server align mode screenmaks lock complete screen. any idea ? Thank you
  12. I don´t see loading never, I see a blank screen and after 2-3 seconds app. Only happens under mobile, on desktop is quickly
  13. Hi, I would like to show a immediate splash screen before load App. App loads fast but in mobile browser is bit slow... And seems that app is doing nothing until loads (3 secs) Thank you
  14. Hi, I would like to set an animated font awesome fa-spin for unigui loading mask (replacing defailt animated gif). For example like this fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/xq1m2rLk/ Regards
  15. I would like a showMask() in client side using Unisession.addJs(Form.JSName+'.showMask()'; // // Flush to client side. continue with server side code until finish Unisession.addJs(Form.JSName+'.hideMask()';
  16. Hi, how can I show a immediate Mask in client side using Unisession.addJs ? Thank you
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