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Everything posted by Schlingel

  1. @Sherzod Thanks, now this is working...
  2. Hello all, I start a mp4 video in a HTMLFrame with the code below. <center> <video autoplay muted id="EntryVideo" > <source src="files/video/my.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> </video> </center> Now i need a event to do further things when the video is finished. I'm sure that here are experts the can give me a code sample for this. Thanks and regard
  3. @ Farshad it works! many thanks
  4. Hello, I have a problem with a custom-component derivated form TUniCanvas. The problem is that the dynamic created UniTimer and also TuniThreadTimer never send any "onTimer" event. I did not understand why a similar VCL component work properly. Many thanks for any help.... regards unit MyUNILED; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, uniCanvas, uniTimer, uniThreadTimer; type TMyUniLED = class(TUniCanvas) Timer1: TUniTimer; Timer2: TUniThreadTimer; private procedure OnLedTimer(Sender: TObject); protected public constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TMyUniLED.Create(Owner: TComponent); begin // Height := 16; // Width := 16; Timer1 := TUniTimer.Create(Self); Timer1.Enabled := True; Timer1.Interval := 1000; Timer1.OnTimer := OnLedTimer; // <- Event not fired Timer1.RunOnce := True; // Timer2 := TUniThreadTimer.Create(Self); Timer2.Enabled := True; Timer2.Interval := 1000; Timer2.OnTimer := OnLedTimer; // <- Event not fired inherited Create(Owner); Color := clRed; // only for testing end; procedure TMyUniLED.OnLedTimer(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin with BitmapCanvas do begin Width := Self.Width; Height := Self.Height; For i := 0 to 30 do begin Randomize; Pen.Width := Random(5) + 5; Pen.Color := Random(64738) + 64738; Brush.Style := bsFDiagonal; Ellipse(Random(Width), Random(Height), Random(Width), Random(Height)); end; Font.Color := clBlue; Font.Size := 18; TextOut(10, Trunc(Self.Height / 2), DateTimeToStr(Now)); end; end; destructor TMyUniLED.Destroy; begin inherited; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MIL_uniGUI Custom', [TMyUniLED]); end; end.
  5. a question how can I prevent multiple start of a UNIGUI EXE ? Thanks Schlingel
  6. Hello I use a VCL Component for parse JSON to Treeview (see Attached zip) an this works perfect for me. Now i planed to use it in a UNIGUI Application.... -> Unfortunately, I fail in any attempt to translate this. [TTreeview -> TUniTreeView] I think here in the forum there are specialists who can help me. Thanks VCL_UNI_JSON.zip
  7. @ Oliver Morsch Thank you for your suggestion. -> I intend for many reasons solve the problem directly in the application unigui. a.) I will use a simple memo in the first step. b.) In the next step I will even generate my report with https://parall.ax/products/jspdf and http://fabricjs.com/. I would be glad if there would be a better solution. best regards "Greetings from Austria to Germany"
  8. Hy I use Fastreport to create PDF's from a UniGui-Application. Actuall I have the problem that I would like to bring the contents of a uniHTMLMemos in my "Fastreport" Pdf-Pages. BUT... https://www.fast-report.com/en/documentation/frx3user/Creating%20reports/HTML-tags%20in%20the%20%27Text%27%20object.htm You can see that the supported HTML-Tags are very limited. (Fonts, Size, Listings etc..) Now is my Idea, before create the Report print the content of my uniHTMLMemo to a Picture (.png, jpb..) and add this to my PDF Report. My questions: 1.) It is possible to save the content of a uniHTMLMemo(with the dimensions) to a picture at server-side? similarly: UniSession.AddJs(UniHTMLMemo10.jsname+'.iframeEl.dom.contentWindow.print();'); 2.) is there a possibility to get the HTML tags String in an image file? 3.) Does anyone have a better idea for my problem? Best regards
  9. Hello I work a few month with Highcharts/highstock -> no problems, work without know restrictions last prototyp(not finished): [click on Show chart] http://schlingel.no-ip.info/Motorcycle/Engine_data.dll Schlingel
  10. Hy, This is not my problem... But when i extrem zoom in in the browser-window then the background-picture shown as tiles.
  11. Hy I want to set my background picture as a whole page presentation. Just as it described here: http://css-tricks.com/perfect-full-page-background-image/ but I have no idea how I transpose it with unigui. Here are many specialists maybe someone can help me? Thanks
  12. Maybe someone has a solution .... TUniDBNumberEdit, TUniDBEdit are not what I want. - My solution for the database is currently a normal TUniSpinEdit component with a lot of code. Maybe someone has already such a problem and a simple solution? Thank you
  13. This is a known bug in Avira .... Just renaming the project "Project1" to a different name then it runs. - ... Any program with names "Project 1" is detected as a virus
  14. @ Patman Thanks for your answer. I guess i did not understand it ... It will not run. Code snippet: TGraphicControl: TLine = class(TGraphicControl) private { Private declarations } FLineDir: TLineDirection; function GetLineWidth: Integer; function GetLineColour: TColor; procedure SetLineWidth(const NewWidth: Integer); procedure SetLineColour(const NewColour: TColor); procedure SetLineDir(const NewDir: TLineDirection); protected { Protected declarations } procedure Paint; override; public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property Direction: TLineDirection read FLineDir write SetLineDir; property LineColour: TColor read GetLineColour write SetLineColour; property LineWidth: Integer read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth; end; = running in VCL-Mode, but in WEB-Mode a excetion "nil can not be assigned to TFont" appears TuniCanvas: TLine = class(TuniCanvas) private { Private declarations } FLineDir: TLineDirection; function GetLineWidth: Integer; function GetLineColour: TColor; procedure SetLineWidth(const NewWidth: Integer); procedure SetLineColour(const NewColour: TColor); procedure SetLineDir(const NewDir: TLineDirection); protected { Protected declarations } procedure Paint; override; public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property Direction: TLineDirection read FLineDir write SetLineDir; property LineColour: TColor read GetLineColour write SetLineColour; property LineWidth: Integer read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth; end; = No exception, but never call the method/procedure "Paint" Please give me a tip to solve this Thanks
  15. Hello I try many hours with the appended code(package) bring to work with uniGui. The issues are, how the VCL class "TGraphicControl" can be replaced by a uniGui-class. Unfortunately, all my tryings are unsuccessful. Maybe someone can help me here. Thank you very much viereck.zip
  16. Hello all I need help with a UniCanvas-Problem. Situation: Mainform with a uniScrollbox and on(in) this uniScrollbox a uniCanvas with a Drawing -> works perfekt! Now, I create a dynamic uniCanvas on the first -> works, but i found no way to create this uniCanvas as transparent. Questions: - Is this possible with TUniCanvas? - What could be a solution to my problem? Thanks
  17. Hello

    I live in Austria(Europe) in the middle of the Alps

  18. Hello I want to open some PDF files in the browser. Can someone give me an example-code? Is this possible with XE2 Prof. or do I need chargeable components? Thank you very much
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