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Marlon Nardi

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Marlon Nardi

  1. News All components are compatible with the Delphi 11.1 Alexandria and latest version ExtJS 7.4 - uniGUI v1.90.0.1560 https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Added Triggers property support in TUniFSEdit; Added support for removing password strength bar in TUniFSEdit; Added support to confirm modal with Enter in TUniFSConfirm; Added support for using native uniGUI keys in TUniFSMap;
  2. 1. I want to display two lines, one below the other, and my text is 'One or more fields have been changed.'+#13#10+'Do you wish to cancel the change(s)?'. However, TUniFSConfirm is not doing so. Please see attached screenshot. How do I get this to work? So that you have line breaks, replace '+#13#10+' with </br> 2. I want the user to be able to press the ESCAPE key to close the dialogue box. However, when I press the ESCAPE key, the control simply shakes. The property for EscapeKey is set to True. How do I get this to work? I simulated it here and it's really not working, let's fix it now. 3. How do I focus to the No button by default so that when the user presses the Enter key, that button is selected? I get it, this feature is interesting, it has not yet been implemented. 4. I want the control to always pop up from the centre of the screen and not from the left to right. How do I do this? I didn't understand this question, all popups appear centered. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
  3. You must add FSKeys component in ServerModule and inform your Google Maps key. Then you link the maps component with the key component.
  4. We currently do not support OpenStreet, only Google Maps, if you are interested we can be implementing
  5. News All components are compatible with the Delphi 11.0 Alexandria and latest version ExtJS 7.4 - uniGUI v1.90.0.1558 https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Updated project ThemCrystal (in folder UniFalcon -> Demos -> FSThemeCrystal ); Added news styles of Themes Added news features in google maps (route, polygons, heat map) and other minor fixes Added Support for CallBack in TUniFSToast New component UniFSHighCharts (in testing phase) Sample: https://themecrystal.falconsistemas.com.br/
  6. If interested: https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Example of an application using the heatmap from the UniFSMap maps component (UniFalcon) Code example for this application: in the first block the polygons are created in the second block the heatmap is created based on the points (Lat, Lng) procedure TfrmModManejoPainel.CarregaHMEspecies(ID_FAZENDA, ID_SAFRA, ID_CULTURA, ID_TALHAO, ID_ESPECIE: Integer; DAT_INI, DAT_FIM: TDate); var Polygon: TPolygon; PointHeatMap: TPointHeatMap; ListTalhaoPolygon: TObjectList<TTalhaoPolygon>; TalhaoPolygons: TTalhaoPolygons; PontoReferencias: TPontoReferencias; LstLatLng: TObjectList<TLatLng>; vI: Integer; begin TalhaoPolygons := TTalhaoPolygons.Create(dmBanco.Conexao); ListTalhaoPolygon := TalhaoPolygons.GetListTalhao(ID_FAZENDA,0); try for vI := 0 to ListTalhaoPolygon.Count-1 do begin Polygon := TPolygon.Create; Polygon.Id := ListTalhaoPolygon[vI].ID_TALHAO_POLYGON; Polygon.Paths := ListTalhaoPolygon[vI].POLYGON; Polygon.StrokeColor := '#014FA1'; Polygon.strokeOpacity := '0.5'; Polygon.strokeWeight := 2; Polygon.fillColor := '#014FA1'; Polygon.fillOpacity := '0.1'; map.AddPolygon(Polygon); end; finally FreeAndNil(TalhaoPolygons); FreeAndNil(ListTalhaoPolygon); end; PontoReferencias := TPontoReferencias.Create(dmBanco.Conexao); LstLatLng := PontoReferencias.GetListPontosEspecietLng(ID_FAZENDA, ID_SAFRA, ID_CULTURA, ID_TALHAO, ID_ESPECIE, DAT_INI, DAT_FIM); try for vI := 0 to LstLatLng.Count -1 do begin PointHeatMap := TPointHeatMap.Create; PointHeatMap.Lat := LstLatLng.Items[vI].Lat; PointHeatMap.Lng := LstLatLng.Items[vI].Lng; map.AddPointHeatMap(PointHeatMap); end; map.ShowHeatMap; map.SetOpacityHeatMap(1); finally FreeAndNil(PontoReferencias); FreeAndNil(LstLatLng); end; end;
  7. perfect, in this example (https://qgiscloud.com/maysasoft/Proyecto_qgis_niube2/?e=0%2C0%2C0%2C0) you gave me it didn't load anything, if you prefer, you can exchange more details via email suporte@falconsistemas.com.br
  8. Ivan, Do you have another email that is registered at Falcon Store (https://store.falconsistemas.com.br)? The email(ivanperu2@hotmail.com) you gave me does not have an active subscription to this component.
  9. Hi @ivanperu, Yes this is possible, here is an example of a system that uses the component. If you prefer, send me some of your data and I'll send you an example project, it's very simple. inside the maps component there are also some example projects of the polygons: https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmmap (Polygon -> Create Polygon)
  10. There are several ways, the simplest I use is the following: in ServerModule -> OnHTTPCommand Sample: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand( ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); var vParams: string; vI: Integer; begin for vI := 0 to ARequestInfo.Params.Count - 1 do begin if vI = 0 then vParams := '?' + ARequestInfo.Params[vI] else vParams := vParams + '&' + ARequestInfo.Params[vI] end; end;
  11. Download free and full source (Delphi XE2 ao Delphi 11.0 Alexandria) https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/?filter=calcedit
  12. News Compatible with the latest version of uniGui and ExtJS 7.4.0. Delphi 2007 to Delphi 11.0 Alexandria UniClientEventsPropEditor.rar
  13. Hi Robinho, do you need to change the position of this arrow at runtime? https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmpopup
  14. News All components are compatible with the Delphi 11.0 Alexandria and latest version ExtJS 7.4 - uniGUI v1.90.0.1555 https://store.falconsistemas.com.br Updated project UpdaterIIS; Added news styles of Buttons Added news styles of MenuButtons Added Support for Buttons in TUniFSToast Sample: https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmtoast
  15. Yes the fonts are being displayed correctly. In the latest version of Delphi (11 Alexandria): https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/What's_New Changed the default font to Segoe UI, ie all fields in your system where you have not defined a font (be it the default font) The Delphi IDE will change everything to Segoe UI. If your browser is not displaying the font correctly, you probably don't have this font on your machine. So one of the solutions is to load your font as I mentioned before without depending on the local font. Delphi 11 and uniGUI 1.90.1552 https://store.falconsistemas.com.br What operating system are you using, on this machine where the fonts are diverging?
  16. for each label you must indicate the font
  17. use in TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit Sample: UniAddCSSLibrary('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto', True, [upoAsync, upoPlatformBoth]);
  18. FS.HookResourceString.pas THookResource.Execute;
  19. @M.Ammar As your question in private, yes it supports map design too: Example of an application using Falcon Store components.
  20. Another example: https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmconfirm https://store.falconsistemas.com.br
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