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Everything posted by toni

  1. Anyone knows ?? this error occurs with IIS, but with standalone works perfect
  2. So far all the instructions to read and save files in excel have worked well with unigui all versions from 1.0 to 1.90, in windows server 2016 and office 2016 32bits. Now with windows server 2019 and office 2016 or office 2019 with 32 o 64 bits, it gives me an error when i try to read o save an excel file, ti says that the file is busy or does not exist. Anyone knows what can it be?
  3. toni

    Click in UniDBGrid

    To do the same with TuniListBox is possible?
  4. toni

    Click in UniDBGrid

    I response in ajaxevent, perfect it works fine Thanks
  5. toni

    Click in UniDBGrid

    Thanks Sherzod, but now, in wihch event of DBGrid can I receive this? I need to do something when user click in this area
  6. How to know that you have clicked on dbgrid, in the space where there are no records
  7. toni

    IP Local

    thanks, works fine
  8. toni

    IP Local

    Hi Is it possible to know the local ip and the internet ip on the client side, because all the routines I have found show me the local ip and the internet ip of the webserver. thanks
  9. toni


    Perfect. This has save me a lot of time. Thanks a lot.
  10. toni


    if there is no solution. I'll have to program a calendar. Please any solution ?
  11. toni


    In your example 13 is not tuesday is monday, it's wrong The titles are the only has changed
  12. toni


    but today is monday 13 of july, and with your calendar is tuesday 13 of july. I don't understand
  13. toni


    Can you tell me, how to do this? With my example doesn't work
  14. toni


    Yes, or in mobile too
  15. toni


    if you click in the UnimDatePicker the first day is not Monday is Sunday
  16. toni


    dayofweek.rar Here you've an example
  17. toni


    It doesn't work.too. I use UnimDatePicker.Picker := dptFloated because user must choose new timing for the job, and the only way I Know is to show a calendar to choose the day the dptEdge is not operative for this ussue
  18. toni


    I'm sorry but doesn't work. Nothing happens
  19. Is it possible to change first day of week in TUnimDatePicker?
  20. formatted text, bold, etc The application is mobile unim components
  21. is there any way to edit a TUnimHTMLFrame like TUniHTMLMemo, or similar?
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