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Everything posted by wangxuebin

  1. I'm 52 years old.I have used Basic,C,Dbase,finally Delphi.Delphi is the greatest progamming tool!
  2. hi,intersting! you can try FastScript in Unigui. FastScript has small footprints and is simple to use,by using it you can create unicomponents(like uniform,...) in script.
  3. hi,everyone: I want use overbyteICS MidWare as Application Server between Database and UNIGUI Web Server,I try as following: 1,put a TAppSrvClient and a TMWBuffer on UniMainModule; 2,put an unibutton on MainForm,in its click method,I wrote: UniMainModule.AppSrvClient1.Port:='2106'; UniMainModule.AppSrvClient1.Server:=''; UniMainModule.AppSrvClient1.FunctionCode:='unidacSQL'; UniMainModule.AppSrvClient1.Send; But this way can not work,showing error msg:Invalid arugment (#10022 in WSAAsyncSelect). However,if I put TAppSrvClient and a TMWBuffer on UniServerModule,it can works! But UniServerModule is global,I think I should not put overbyteICS MidWare components on it. Where is my fault? Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance!
  4. I somewhat worry about the situation of Turkey.She might turn to a way apart from democracy?
  5. Change the height of combo on run time
  6. hi,Aslan: your bundle contains an enhanced unidbgrid component which is like Excel style when editing data? if it has,I want buy. if it has not,can you design one? Best regards.
  7. it is convienient to input a Enter key to make a focus of unidbgrid moving from a cell to next cell as Tab key does.Delphi Developper has a solution,but it doesn't work in unigrids which have groupheaders(multi level column titles). Anyone has a better solution for this issue? thanks. Best Regards.
  8. ... name:=somename; ... a created tunicontrol must have a name. best regards.
  9. hello,I'm here it dos'nt work,I use : if (UniMainModule.FCurrentFrame TUniFrame1).UniCheckBox1.Checked then ShowMessage('true!'); But the Unigui reply: Invalid class typecast. what's the reason?
  10. How to drag and drop items of unitrees between two unitrees? Anyone can help me?thanks!
  11. like http://prime.fmsoft....demo/ucdemo.dll/server ?
  12. Thank you,delphi developer! You always are so kind and knowlegable!
  13. How to implement fading out and fading in of an uniimage?
  14. Hi,Aslan,I am intersted in your components,can I buy it using VISA CARD?I have no Paypal card.
  15. HI! I can't reach the https://www.dropbox..../index.zip?dl=0
  16. Hi,everyone: TUnifom has an useful method :InsertControl,this method can create tunicontrols(such as uniedit,unibutton...) dynamically on this uniform.With this method,it is possible to create an inputting data layout on an uniform automatically according a dataset structure. For this,I have a question:How to move a dynamic created Tunicontrol components(such as uniedit,unibutton...) among An uniform? some way like Delphi designtime,I can drag an uniedit from a place and drop to another place by mouse? Thanks.
  17. hi,Farshad: uniGUI Plus Professional(you say about $1000) has a limited time use of one year?I mean that an user must pay a $1000 for every year for use of uniGUI Plus Professional ?
  18. An example: <html> <head> <title>FCKeditor - Sample</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlHttp,editortxt; function saveeditor() { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request") return; } var url="phps/phpinfo1.php"; editortxt=document.getElementById("content21").value; editortxt="name="+editortxt; //alert(editortxt); editortxt=encodeURI(editortxt); //url=url+"?q="+editortxt; //url=url+"&sid="+Math.random(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged; xmlHttp.open("POST",url,true); xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlHttp.send(editortxt); } function dodo(){ if(xmlHttp.readyState==4){ // xmlHttp下的readystate方法 4表示传送完毕 if(xmlHttp.status==200){ // xmlHttp的status方法读取状态(服务器HTTP状态码) 200对应OK 404对应Not Found(未找到)等 document.getElementById("content").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText //xmlHttp的responseText方法 得到读取页数据 } } } function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById('A4').innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; //document.getElementById('content21').innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; alert(xmlHttp.responseText+'<br>状态:'+xmlHttp.statusText); // alert(xmlHttp.statusText); } } function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { //Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } </script> </head> <body> <form action="javascript:saveeditor();" method="post"> <div> <textarea name="content21" id="content21" resizable=yes></textarea> </div> <p><b>Response:</b> <br /><span id="A4"></span> </p> <input type="submit" value="提交" /> </form> </body> </html>
  19. Hi: How I get the text value of the cell of Unidbgrid when I click the cell? I want to get the value of cell I clicked in ExtEvents(client side) not in server side events. thank you in advance!
  20. using unidac in unigui just as using in VCL model.put all unidac components in unimainmodule And using them in uniforms.
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