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Everything posted by tzal

  1. Dear uniGUI friends, i have a question: How would it be possible to integrate very simple REST type service with uniGUI application? Let's say I have existing uniGUI application on address: http://www.example.com/unigui_app.dll And I would want to add web service on this address: http://www.example.com/unigui_app.dll/rest Then I could call the web service like this: GET http://www.example.com/unigui_app.dll/rest?students=123 HTTP/1.1 And into Delphi code I would get these parameters: Method: GET Parameter: students Value: 123 Thanks for any idea.
  2. I use this: procedure SetPanelRoundBorders(const APanel: TUniPanel; APixels: Integer = 5); begin APanel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnAfterrender=function OnAfterrender(sender){' + 'sender.body.applyStyles('#39'border-radius:' + IntToStr(APixels) + 'px'#39');}'); end;
  3. For Delphi 2009+ you can use anonymous method (closure): MessageDlg('Are you delete this record?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(AResult: Integer) begin case AResult of mrYes: UniEdit1.Text := 'YES'; // UniMemo1.Lines.Add('YES'); mrNo : UniEdit1.Text := 'NO'; // UniMemo1.Lines.Add('NO'); end; end);
  4. function OnClick(sender, e) { alert(MainForm.UniLabel1.getText()); }
  5. tzal

    browser detection

    uses uniGUIApplication, ExtPascal; case UniSession.Browser of brIE: ; brFirefox: ; brChrome: ; brOpera: ; brSafari: ; brKonqueror: ; else // something else end;
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