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Posts posted by arilotta

  1. I've found a possible solution looking at thread:



    In addition to use "cellModel.deselect" and "cellModel.selectionchange", I used grid OnAfterLoad event to initialize the grid afetr being loaded:


    procedure TFrameDlgEvent20011.GRDCatAfterLoad(Sender: TUniDBGrid);
      UniSession.AddJS(GRDCat.JSName+'.view.getNode('+IntToStr(GRDCat.CurrGridRow)+').className = ''x-grid-row x-grid-data-row x-grid-row-selected''');
    CurrGridRow is the CurrRow protected property defined in TUniBasicGrid that can be accessed using the usual THackGrid trick or a class helper,
    like a did (to access protected members....):
    type TUniDBGridHelper = class helper for TUniDBGrid
  2. Hi all, I wonder if it's possible to specify the TITLE for an image cell in a DBGrid. It would be useful to 

    show the hint/tooltip for the image/icon.

    The righe place should be OnDrtawColumnCell, but there as far as I can see there is only the possibility

    to specify the font, the color and the style.


    Something like that:


    <div unselectable="on" class="x-grid-cell-inner " title="my title">

       <img src="/cache/medreferti_exe/res/__D5E09C51619AD97C38D717BA.png" width="24" height="24">







  3. Hi all,

    I have a DbGrid with dgEditing=true.

    I would like to limit the columns that can be selected, because some contains icons

    and some other are text read-only.

    I am struggling with ClientEvents and CellModel, but I not so familiar with JS and

    I am wasting too much time.


    So, how can I limit my grid to only focus on the third column for example ?


    Thanks you all



  4. Hi all,

    it seems that the MainModule option "boDisableMouseRightClick" does not affect UniHTMLMemo and UniDBHTMLMemo components.

    Even if I add that option, the context menu appears with right button click.

    Is there any workaround ?




  5. rgreat, I've added the "margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px;", in fact it looks nicer.

    If I understand correctly, you are trying to use the component with the Beta version, running on Ext JS 6.5.

    Unfortunately, at the moment I've not installed that version, so I cannot help you.

    Maybe someone else on the forum can help you to fix the issues....

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