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Everything posted by thecrgrt

  1. And, How many your current servers were ran on 32-bit environment?
  2. AFAIK, uniGUI is a web-based application framework development. Do you need to develop your web-app run on Windows XP server? That's nonsense for me more than performance or .exe size.
  3. Those methods were for desktop mode, not a web. you need to remember this is a framework for dual UI mode. UniGUI is a fresh one, it's not a mature framework yet. This is its first step so you need to manage some action your-self. By the way, your question is a good idea. By a "Asynchronous" nature it is possible that every UniGUI component's methods can parallel send and receive ajax-request itself, but that needs more design and take more time to implement. Implement more web UI supported by ExtJS should be the first priority, IMO.
  4. Hi HecJonatan, For me an installer is work fine and also built for all packages. So,You can workaround with two choices: 1. Manually add "C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework" and related sub-directories into Delph Library Path. 2. Create Windows registry's String-Key under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\10.0\Environment Variables" with named "fmsoft" and assign its value to "C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework"
  5. Thanks for your info. BTW, as Dmytro Lendel said, the price for XE3 is not published. Maybe, it's a good step for Delphi price (cheaper, like an iPhone 4S series price) ...maybe
  6. Sorry for my curiosity, Is this a true news? Can anybody confirm? Every posts for this story were referenced to http://bbs.2ccc.com/topic.asp?topicid=410504 Who is the writer of this message?
  7. If your file was reside in files folder remove / in front of "/files/markermanager.js", it should be "files/markermanager.js".
  8. This is an example to apply FastReport to UniGUI framework. To prevent dialogs showing at server you should be set the following properties of TfrxReport EngineOptions.SilentMode = True EngineOptions.NewSilentMode = simSilent and for TfrxPDFExport ShowDialog = False ShowProgress = False OverwritePrompt = False Example define the following components frxRepData: TfrxReport; frxPDFExport: TfrxPDFExport PrintURLFrame: TUniURLFrame; Code: var _LFile: String; begin ... // The following 5 lines below could be set at design time frxRepData.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; frxRepData.EngineOptions.NewSilentMode := simSilent; frxPDFExport.ShowDialog := False; frxPDFExport.ShowProgress := False; frxPDFExport.OverwritePrompt := False; frxRepData.DataSet := cdsMiscDataSet; if (cdsMiscDataSet.Active) then cdsMiscDataSet.Close(); cdsMiscDataSet.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM XXX_DATA'; frxReport.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath + 'some_report.fr3', False); cdsMiscDataSet.Open(); if (not cdsMiscDataSet.IsEmpty) then begin // pass True to clear a previous generated report. // If you need to merge a variant of reports set it to False frxReport.PrepareReport(True); _LFile := 'payment_' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) + '.pdf'; frxPDFExport.FileName := _LFile; frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; try frxReport.Export(frxPDFExport); PrintURLFrame.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + _LFile + '#'; except ShowMessage('Error, Can not generate printing documents to PDF format.'); end; end else ShowMessage('There are no pages to generated printing.'); end The above example write on the fly at the post time, sorry if there are some error.
  9. If you are using Adobe Reader, I recommended to reinstall an application.
  10. For load balancing(maybe, just distributed load), I hope FastCGI was supported by UniGUI to do that.
  11. AFAIK, LiveBinding was supported for all VCL/FMX controls automatically by Delphi XE2, vice versa UniGUI was also supported LiveBinding.
  12. Happy new year, and have a nice year for all.
  13. Try the following code: procedure TfrmPrintForm.PrintReport(); begin frxPDFExport.FileName := 'ReportXXX_' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) + '.pdf'; // Create a unique name for report. frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; // Export Path; frxReport.PrepareReport(); // Create Report frxReport.Export(frxPDFExport); // Export Report rptURLFrame.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + frxPDFExport.FileName; // Displayed on UniURLFrame end;
  14. Try to refresh your browser cache by pressing F5 key, and/or try to check the extjs 3.4.0 could be loaded from your server.
  15. IMPO, the better ways is make DB connection out of process from your web-app, you just only created middle-tiered for this sensenario.
  16. For standalone, you can manually add "System Tray Icon" by using a wide components you've like.
  17. thecrgrt

    IIS 7 Deployment

    ExtRoot should be "ext-x.y.z\" not "ext-3.0.0\". You never change "x.y.z" to any number, just leave it to "ext-x.y.z\".
  18. thecrgrt

    IIS 7 Deployment

    Ext was defined in ext-base.js, that it mean "<script src="/uni/unibasicdll1.dll/ext-3.3.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>" could not be loaded. If all files were in the correct location, try to check IIS has permission to access this.
  19. thecrgrt

    IIS 7 Deployment

    If only loading message was appeared on the top-left of window, it mean there are missing some of JavaScript and CSS files You should try to verify ExtRoot property of ServerModule I recommended to set its value to 'ext-x.y.z\', and then copy an ExtJs (ext-3.3.0) into same folder of your application. See also: http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/iis_7_0.htm
  20. Where is "fmHome" was defined? IMO, it's safer when we reference to component's name property instead of a constant one.
  21. I strongly recommended you to use TUniURLFrame instead of TUniHTMLFrame. You've just only set its URL property to the link you've passed for "Navigate" method of TWebBrowser. Ex. WebBrowser1.Navigate('http://xxx'); --> UniURLFrame.URL := 'http://xxx'; By the way, Patmap's UniGoogleMap component is better way for refactor your app.
  22. thecrgrt

    A suggestion

    Only for snap-short builds with some finished features, improvement or fixing is better, IMO.
  23. 1. DBGrid improvement with custom column renderer, column editor, row editor and other ExtJS features. 2. Variety of Numbered-Field (Including expression property like an IntraWeb if possible). 3. Updated to the lastest of ExtJS version (to supported development facility and any new web technology, including HTML5). 4. Accordion (or similar) Component (that it make UniGUI look beautiful web-based application). 5. Screen mask automatically when AJAX is being in operation (Of course, this is optional property that activated only when selected). 6. FastCGI support. whether beyond 1.0 or maybe 1.0 if possible 7. Truly stateful server-side applications. Close and open browser – and return to the same state (Of course, with the same logged-in user). 8. Better session control. Cross-session interaction.
  24. thecrgrt

    ExtJS files

    Thank you, and sorry for my late reply. One more question: That's mean there are some files never been used by framework, aren't them?
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