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Everything posted by mierlp

  1. Hi Farshad Just installed latest version...same behavior. Also tested with the existing demo DBnavigator with custom icons and put a dbedit field on form...same behavior as within my application
  2. Hi I have a uniDBgrid, uniDBedit, datasource and a dbnavigator on the form. DB components are all linked to same datasource my query component (mydac) contains a OnBeforeInsert wich sets focus to the uniDBedit field Situation/behavior 1: 1. Add new record with dbnavigator, focus is set to unDBEDit and cursor (|) visible-.thats OK 2. After post with dbnavigator the focus is always set to uniDBGrid - i want focus on uniDBedit 3. Add new record with dbnavigator, the focus is on the uniDBedit but you DON'T see the cursor. The cursus (|) appears after you type a character Situation/behavior 2: 1. Repeat step 1 and 2 2. scroll unidbgrid 1 record 3. add new record with dbnavigaor, the focus is on the uniDBedit AND the cursor is visible Question? 1. how to set focus after saving record to the uniDBedit instead of unidbgrid ? 2. why is the behavior of the cursur and how make cursor Always visible ? I use Dephi Tokyo 10.2.2 / uniGui
  3. Hi Version 1.0 has been released yesterday...that's quick... https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmswebcore.asp for a price of € 295 single developer But...there are some major difference with our uniGui
  4. Hi My application contains about 120 forms and 14 datamodules. A datamodules is grouped based on functionality. There's a datamodules dmTypes which contains querys regarding a 'type' lets say : typeEntrance, typeParking, typeMeal, typeCatering, typeArtist, typeBooking, etc. Sometimes i need a other tables for a lookup functionality and so on this datamodule a put query from a other table...lets say statusArtist, The datamodules are only containing querys which i need for that specific functionality/forms The datasource i put on the forms and is add the datamodules which i need in the uses class. Forms are only containing datasources which are needed for that specific functionality/forms WHATS THE BEST PLACE TO PUT THE DATASOURCES...ON A DATAMODULE OF FORM AND WHAT'S THE REASON BEHIND IT..
  5. Hi Wilton Thats indeed a cleaner peace of code thanks. That works... Within my application i use datamodules and all querys are on the datamodule I have about 120 forms and 14 datamodules. Datasources are on the forms where i need them. Whats not working is that i need to check if the form is active or opened or showed. Otherwise when i open form1 directly and automaticly form2 will be showed Even if datasource.autoedit = false I need a way to check if a form is opened/showed?
  6. Hi I have 2 forms, see attachment - form1 contains the datasource (call them DS1 and DS2) for form1 AND form2, - form1 contains information which is store in ds2, see - there\s a master/detail betweens ds1 and ds2 - form2 contains no datasources, is linked to form1 Each datasource contains a .StateChange event with the following code: What it does is checking the state of the table, Based on the state (edit or browse) some of the buttons are enabled/disabled. Just like a dbnavigator works. if dmProduction.ProductionQuickDay.State in [dsBrowse] then begin FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := False; end; if dmProduction.ProductionQuickDay.State in [dsInsert,dsEdit] then begin FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := True; end; When i click on the button 'Beheren productie dagen' (below the dbgrid on the right side) the form2 will be showed So for so good. When i change a value,- lets say select a other value in the dblookupcombox. At that moment DS2 is in StateChange and some buttons must be enabled/disabled. Because all datasource are on form1 this is not working. Normally in vcl mode you could use some code like if (assigned(Form1) then begin if dmProduction.ProductionQuickDay.State in [dsBrowse] then begin FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := False; end; if dmProduction.ProductionQuickDay.State in [dsInsert,dsEdit] then begin FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionQuickDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := True; end; end; How can i do this, is there a other way to check if a form is assigned or a other solutions to enable/disable button when the datasource.StateChange is triggerd
  7. Hi Within my application the user can select a folder where he wants to save specific files on the server. I need a listview which must be filled on the form.onActivate with ONLY the folder names (NO FILES) in a specific directory/folder on the server. how can that be done...?
  8. Hi My uniTreeMenu contains a lot of submenus. Now you must click the triangle to dropdown the submenu...you Always have to navigate to the right. How can i dropdown this submenu when i click somewhere on the menu item and not specific on the triangle. When it click the routine has to check if the submenu is dropped, if so then close the submenu, if not...then open the submenu Regards Peter
  9. Hi My dbgrid has 2 columns and in options i set Options.dgColLines = false In the title the column lines are visable...any suggestions ?
  10. Hi When you put a unidbedit or uniedit on the form and use the FieldLabel option AND you put a uniSpeedbutton next to it you can't get them aligned or you have to put the button lower on the form. See example and you see the result. Nice the fieldlabels but you can't put a component next to it. Raize component has a ButtonEdit and DBbuttonEdit component which contains a button in the component. There is also a trigger OnButtonClick Would be a nice if we can have this functionality/components in uniGui Anyone suggestions how to solve the issue. Otherwise i have to use uniLabels above the fields like you can see in the example.
  11. Hi Delphi Developer Same result when using the example [DBLookupCombox - GridMode] This behavior is only when you set : WebOptions.Paged := False and use the navigation in code it WON'T work propertly with the dbnavigator it works When you set WebOptions.Paged := True and use the navigation in code it WILL work propertly The problem is...we would use a clean grid with no pages
  12. Hi I have a uniDBGrid and a uniDBedit on the form Both are connected to the same datasource. On the uniDBGrid is use the uniDBGridKeydown event with this code : if key=vk_home then begin dmBank.Bank.First; end; if key=vk_end then begin dmBank.Bank.First end; When i hit the END button...the uniDBedit contains the content of the LAST record BUT the uniDBGrid will NOT navigate to the last record. The same is when hitting the HOME button. BUT when i put a dbnavigator on the form and connect it to the same datasource and use the first/end buttons then it's working and the unidbgrid will move the the correct record. I use : - Delphi Tokyo 10.2 update 2 - uniGui - MySQL Data Acces Component (myDAC from devArt) 9.2.6
  13. Someone a suggestion how to add more Font Awesome icons. The NativeImageList shows only a couple of icons
  14. Hi, On our the dutch Delphi forum i got this a possible solutions.Didn't had time to look at it. www.neodynamic.com/products/printing/raw-data
  15. Hi Gerhard Any progress when available...and where to donate ? Regards Peter
  16. myConnection configuration is ok...and working....see attachment. Also when i set the status on active for the query component the data is visible. The version of myDac i use is from april and latest one. Normal VLC applications don't have this problem Created a new test application wiith a: - myConnection component - myQuery - myDatasource Also when i activate them i see the data and the database on localhost can be found. When running the application i get a socket error 10022
  17. hi I upgraded to the lateste version of uniGui and when running my application it got error message regarding 'unknown localhost' and the second one is the memory leak. This was working till now...I use myDac from DevArt for connecting to a LOCAL mySQL database. The DevArt myConnection component is on the 'ServerModule' and this component contains the connection properties like Localhost. Do i have to put the myConnection property on a 'main' datamodule ? Regards Peter
  18. Looking realy realy nice and interested in this. Let us know what you want to do with it..donation or selling.
  19. Hi GerardV Is there any update about a release data or do you sell it ? Regards Peter
  20. Hi Seems there is a old 'bug' back : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6079-unidbgrid-afterscroll-not-fired/?hl=afterscroll Same behavior same situation when manual scrolling dbgrid the AFTERSCROLL event is not executed. When using a dbnavigator then the AFTERSCROLL is executes. I'm using : Delphi Tokyo 10.2 uniGui myDac component mySQL database
  21. If you need help with testing let me know
  22. when will they be available ?
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