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Everything posted by yordysv

  1. Muchisimas gracias Ronny, lamentablementa no tengo mucho conocimiento con JS y su implementacion en Delphi. Podrias guiarme por favor? En cual ExtEvents debo colocar el codigo? Como invocarlo? gracias.
  2. Hello everyone, I created an application in which i have to get the user connected to machine (client side) in order to log on the user to the applicacion, but instead it is returning the User of the Server. This is the function that i am using to get the user connected. function GetCurrentUserName : String; var dwI : DWord; begin dwI := 1024; SetLength (Result, dwI + 1); if GetUserName(PChar(Result), dwI)then SetLength (Result, dwI-1) else SetLength (Result, 0); end; I'd really appreciate your help. Kind Regards Yordys Valenzuela
  3. Hola Ronny, Mi pagina www.yvsistemas.com, correo, yvsistemas@gmail.com
  4. Hola Ronny, como estas?. gracias hermano. A sus ordenes tambien.
  5. This is something that i'd like to accomplish. If someone have done it, please share. Kind regard.
  6. Hello desde Republica Dominicana, Yordys Valenzuela. Nuevo en este mundo de UniGui y ya me enamoré.
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